TheInstance's Forum Posts

  • Ty for sharing the .cap.

    Always nice to see how people make there games,

    and without the .cap i would have never found the Bomb to fire.

    If you use sounds, then u have to share the sounds together with the .cap

    Sounds are, unlike the sprites, not contained in the .cap.

    I have not much to comment about the Events. They are pretty straight forward.

    Besides that i wonder why you destroy the 2nd boss gun 3 times.

    Everything is presented by the right conditions. Line after line.

    Although i miss some organizing.

    Its a very nice example for how to use particles, they are done very nice.

    But about playing the game, or lets say this level, it dont charm me much.

    Sorry for beeing honest.

    There is no way to escape the boss, or to use strategy in killing it.

    But thats of course personal, needless to say i dont like "just click" games much as can be find in "shoot them ups" .

    To return to your questions.

    1/ No you dont need to set up very big layouts for this. The solution to this you did already. Create the objects outside screen. And call them to the screen on the right moment. Or make different layouts to represent levels, as you did already.


    You can warp the stars and bring them to normal speed, dont matter wich solution you go for.


    You should name your objects. Anyway. The Ship object is moved by an '8 direction' behavior.

    What happens is, you force the ship to move away from the edge of the screen, while the behavior keeps pushing it back to the edge. And that feels like sticking.

    So to keep the Ship from moving outside the screen, you have to communicate directly with the "8 direction behavior". Not do things behind its back.

    To do this, just place a colider on the right and left of the screen. Make them "solid" in the groups/attributes properties. And the behavior will not intrude those, or put in in other words: keep it on the screen

    This for your questions.

    Another thing about "waves of objects". The events you build now, mainly control 3 objects and a bunch of particle objects. They are all different objects.

    To keep a wave under control, you will need to learn to go along with instances, and the events to control instances.

    I wrote about those, towards beginners, from out the eye of a beginner. Well thats what i still am.

    You can find them here:

    Enjoy constructing. : )

  • uhh, do you really want comments on a in a .exe packed thing ?

    Just how am i supposed to do that ?

  • Sowwy you had to re-code the .cap. I can attempt to give an explanation for the way the variables behave in your events. But Even then, the good solution would be: Re-code.

    Its impossible to give a *concrete* and fulfilling explanation. I have an idea what happened. Or should i say "a feeling".

    Allow me to start with pointing to the way Construct is reading and storing variables.

    Take this as the illustration.

    There are only 2 objects. RedOne and GreenOne.

    Both are member of the family "Items"

    Both have 2 private variables.

    But ! Look at the private variables, and notice that they are not added in the same order.

    In the RedOne, 'variable_1' is first. In GreenOne 'variable_2' is first added.

    Or to translate this to what it really is about.

    They are on different positions. In Redone 'variable_1' is at position 1 int the list of private variables. While its on position 2 in the GreenOne.

    So what you say ? Well read the events sheet, its kinda straight forward.

    It dont need explanation.

    And yet, when you run it. You well see that Reading out the variables using a Family is not working as you expecting it would.

    Reading the private variable by addressing the object with its Family name, will read out the private variable on position(x) in the list of private variables for that object. NOT by its name !!!!!!!

    Do you see this ?

    Now well when this is true for families. Its also true for reading out AND storing any private variable, how ever you address the object.

    So what construct really does is this.

    You make an event/action that reads/stores a private variable, and construct will translate the name of the private variable to a number representing its position in the list of private variables for that object. And make the calls by that number.

    This is done on the moment you make the event/action.

    Those calls to positions (in the events) will update if you change (in the layout) things in the private variables.

    But at this moment, i hope due its still beta, you can force situations that will NOT update both, the positions the variable gets called by in the events AND the private variables as presented to you in the properties list in the layout editor.

    Now funny, and thats always the same, those situations are usually forced by beginners like you and me. Because we trial and error more then advanced users.

    Try this. Make an object with 3 variables. Use the 2nd and 3th variable in some events.

    Then go back to the Layout editor.

    Delete the 1st variable.

    Realize that was wrong to do and press UNDO (CTRL+z)

    The variable returns.

    Now SAVE the .cap.

    Then run it

    And or enjoy a awful crash, or have a .cap with messed up variables.

    Like this

    Now how you trial ed and error d to come to the position you was in. I have no idea.

    And, you must realize by now, that all traces to what exactly triggers the situation are gone.

    Ashley, i hope you take that serious, even when its just coming from me.

  • .....

  • Nicely commented. Ty.

    Sorry if i confused by trowing a ".cap in construction", i figured : Rather trow you something then let it be and go to bed.

    Simplified a boomerang curve, you can state:

    It travels a certain distance, leaving the pitcher and coming back to the pitcher, with decisions to make at certain points in the traveling distance.

    At distance = 0 .. it leaves the pitcher at a angle of -30� (right handed)

    At 1/3 of the distance it will turn 90 �

    At 2/3 of the distance we just tell it to return to the pitcher

    At distance completed it should come to rest.

    Since Distance in all this is a key variable, i made that whole construction with pressing space bar and make it look like energy gets build up. But in fact i just choose a distance there.

    But "distance" is not really controllable.

    So well, i translated it to "time". Like you trow a boomerang and look at it holding a stopwatch, and when you know the total time that its traveling, you can say ..

    at 1/3th of that time it turns 90�

    at 2/3th of that time it returns to the pitcher.

    'time' is growing with every tick.

    Thats all the object "GoodBoom" is dooing.

    Now event 20 and 21 was an attempt to make the 1st turn less "instantly". The angle the bullet behavior is facing is changed in steps to +- 90�.

    If you make "GoodBoom" visible, you will see that it comes close to a Boomerang path.

    But, i was not happy with the "cornysquary" path.

    And since i had collisions and bouncing in mind between the BadMouse and the BadBoomerang, i made a Ball behavior for another object (Badbullet) to follow the object that makes the boomerang path.

    Resulting in a smoother path, and later more options to make things bounce.

    If you make the reactions of the ball behavior faster, it will follow the bullet more close.

    Now the point to return ? Guess thats up to you.

    I think there are 3 options.


    Or it returns to the pitcher, and the pitcher is able to move while the boomerang is moving. But yes thats not really a boomerang path.

    This is what it does in my .cap


    It returns to pitcher, but we denie movement to the pitcher while the boomerang is moving.

    The path is closer to the path of a boomerang. But i dont know if its ok in your game concept to have the player vulnerable to attacks while trowing.


    It returns to the point it started. The player can move. But will have to pick up the boomerang to be able to trow it again.

  • The conditions in sub events are tested if the conditions in there *top event* are met.

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  • plz define "it"

  • [quote:uma781gr]Re: Gravity Comparing

    by Ashley on Thu Jul 03, 2008 11:06 am

    Should be out today, pending a few problems with the picture editor.AG.

    i have a feeling that this is what he pointed to.

    No sprites ? dude how many free ware paint programs do u need ?

    Construct even accepts 32bit masked targa's.

    Its impossible to be stuck on this. Less you uhh .. well .. well lets not assume.

  • Ashley,

    Maybe you should rename all the "compare" conditions to something similar to:

    Pick object with private variable ..


    Find object with private variable

    Find object with angle

    Find object with opacity

    Find object with colour filter

    Find object with unique ID

    Find object with X position

    Find object with Y position

    Find object with width

    Find object with height

    And it would be nice to have

    Find object with behavior property

    (compare behavior property)

  • I dont see any "Main Layout" in the posted .cap.

    So i can not help you with the variable.

    But i do see other things in the posted .cap.

    1/ the for each conditions in the key assignments are unneeded.

    Why ?

    Well, the compare private variable condition you have in the key binding events are Pick Conditions already. Every "Compare" condition is a Pick Condition, its a hidden LOOP already.

    It works as follow.

    It takes ALL the tanks. Loops trough them 1 by 1, hidden and in the background. It will test the private variable (in your case 'TankID'), if it meets the test conditions (in your case if 'TankID is equal to a number), it will feed that object to its Sub Events and Actions.

    So when you compare ALL the tanks private variable TankID to the value 1. It takes all the tanks, and only the tank with TankID 1 gets picked out. Or what i call, gets picked from the group.

    All sub events and conditions will only work on/with that picked tank.

    What you now do is this.

    The for each condition loops trough all 8 tanks, and the Compare condition loops trough all 8 tanks.

    So what you do you could write as :

    Loop from 1 to 8 (the for each loop)

    _____if anything and nothing

    _______ do nothing with tank(loopcounter)

    _________Loop from 1 to 8 (the compare loop)

    ___________if 'TankID' = 1 -------------------------------------------> do actions and subevents

    ___________end if

    _________end loop

    _____end if

    end loop

    Each tank is passing 64 times a loop, where only 1 time is needed. At the end your game will lag.

    2/ I see you still do not use containers. You do not have to. But it will make your live a lot more simple

  • I wonder why you want to rush this.

    It will grow a natural way, free products dont need settle marketing, there marketing lays in its quality.

    And on that point Construct starts to score well. !starts! Yes sir, it is not out off beta yet.

    As long as Construct is in beta, the games made with it are beta too.

    At this moment the few games, and the big amount of produced caps, serve 3 targets.

    1 (very important) To have just fun creating things. And Construct is fun !

    2 You teach me, and i hope i teach you how to use construct. And the knowledge gatherd by this will be the base for docs.

    3 To guide Ashley in finding and solving bugs. To guide Ashley in bringing new things into construct. And all this from out the point of a "constructor" not from out the point of "the programmer" that Ashley is.

    It is actual very interesting to see how "creative" people try to go along with construct.

    I think thats where Construct stands now, stable, firm and promissing.

    Expect more from either the program ,or from yourself, is at this point *dreaming*.

    Wich is not a bad thing, if you realize that this is what it is.

    So plz, keep gooing. Dont share games, but share .caps. Dont be so protective. Dont be shy about your caps too. Trow them in. I learned more from inperfect caps then from perfect caps.

  • Oh, you need to hold spacebar, and let go to fire.

  • No one aligns animations ?

  • well

    I was playing around this

    then got caught up in bouncing, why i changed from a bullet behavior to a ball behavior,

    and now its bedtime.

    But both work to soften the hard sides of rough movement, as u see.

    be good.