Nope, thats kinda inevitable, when using a square to bounce like a ball. Hardly a bug.
And thats not the issue. The issue is about aligning the angle sub animations with directions.
In that specific example the players object gets moved by a sensor. Logic is to place the players object on the sensor. AND align the animation to the sensors directions. That is sensor driven in its pure form. Snap position and angle.
In the .cap that triggerd me to get my mind on this, the "top animation" is choosen independed from the sensors behavior. The angle sub animation gets choosen depending on key inputs and collsions between the "players object" and the enviriment. (i dont think it works, even with animations working fine, but that we will see)
And! Since i don seem to be able to figure this completely out on myself, i am asking if there is someone who is using a coherent system in this ?
Aligning to the sensor ? Or otherwise ? Align to the behavior ?
Oh and did you see the aniations line up fine with the "8 directions" ?
Be so nice to bring your ideas, and help me to develop a coherent, working, general system. And not only for me.