Ashley said:
[quote:31ghzvf3]No they're not - I've read and I think I understand your suggestion for them, and they wouldn't make eventing more flexible. They'd be purely for organising your events in to different places. None of the things you have mentioned sound difficult, let alone impossible, with ordinary events!
And i closed my eyes, imagined life without toilets, jumped with a scream and returned back to topic.
uhh .. i mean ...
Lets dream about cloning a pac-man in construct, and lets dream it has private event sheets.
Pac-man has 1 pac-guy and 5 scary ghosts.
Should be possible in 4 evenings after work.
Evening 1.
Play pac-man on the net. To see see how it reacts, how it works, whats important.
Search animated sprites on the net (after all we just clone)
Make some screenshots of existing games. Find out the math behind the grids. Make the maze and its sprites.
Evening 2.
Bring the sprites into construct.
Construct the maze.
Develop a collission/tracking system
Make all the events for the pac-guy.
Evening 3
Re-use the pac-guys tracking system for the ghost.
Start with Ghost01.
GIve the handle-object for ghost01 a Private Events Sheet.
All private variables in that sheet get adress as .variable, just like there is .x
Global variables are still global.variable.
It has to chase the pac-guy, also that goes in the private events sheet.
Test the game with 1 ghost and 1 pac-guy.
Make the conditions for when who is eating who.
Evening 4
Clone the Ghost 5 times.
This will copy allso all behaviours, private variables, and the private sheets.
Since the private variables gets adressed as .variable, everything works and is in place.
Just the animations have to be replaced. But the animation structure is there allready.
Test game with 1 pac-guy and 5 ghosts.
Do the level stuff, the end of game stuff, and the start of game stuff
Evening 5 ...
take a look at the forums, and there is a new version, with multiplayer support.
Ohhhh lets try that with oure pac-man thingy.
Move the events for the pac-guy into a private events sheet.
Copy it to represent player 2
Make a flavor in the animations to tell differend between the players.
Link it to the multiplayer plug in.
Find opponents.
Oh boy !!!
And now i go back to my .cap in reality.
clone the Up/right/left/down objects that make up the collsion system that keeps the ghosts in the maze, and helps them to decide to choose a direction thats not taken by the maze.
Clone the handle object.
Clone the object thats helps the ghost to track down the pac-guy. Re-give it a turret behaviour. Regive the turret all the right settings.
Bring in the sprite for the next ghost, give it all the needed animations, give it image points, give it all the private variables needed.
Copy ALL the events/action that make the ghost alive and die.
Change every reference from ghost01 to ghost02, including the references to private variables, including all the expressions.
Change every reference from handle object01 to handle object02
Change every reference for up/left/down/right objects to the new ones.
Change every reference for the tracker to the new tracker.
Copy the events that link the pac-guy with the ghost, and change the references.
of cours i forgot a detail somewhere.
Debug, and track the problem down.
Yeehaaaaaa .. only 3 more ghosts to go.
Xcuse me for the sarcasme, its in my genes, not meant as evil, just hope you see my point if i force you to "picture" : )
I am not demanding too.