TheHugo's Forum Posts

  • Thanks, I just thought if you combine X Y, If you fall from different angle than 90 results would be different

  • It works only if you have one direction of gravity. And velocity is not speed :/

  • Ive been trying to make radial gravity. I cant make normal gravitational pull that would work realistic. I use Force to make gravity on planet. What I'm trying to do is this:

    Object enters slowly into planets atmosphere and gets pulled towards planet, the faster it moves the bigger the force is. I tried using formula like this for Force: 100/distance(object.x ,object.y, planet.x , planet,y), but what i want is something like this: 100/distance(object.x ,object.y, planet.x , planet,y)*fallspeed. How can i get physics object speed?

  • Not a bug or a side effect... Found out that you have to change local variable to local static variable or it will just reset every tick to its initial state

  • Thanks for replies. The way I tried it was Repeat 2 times : Call Function

    I found a way that works, rather than using repeat, I just placed "call function" at end of function

  • Hello. I am trying to us repeat but it wont work as I planned it. It repeats actions x times in the same tick... But I wanted to complete action, and start it again when previous action is done. How can i achieve it?

  • I wanted the output be 5 then 3 according to your picture

    Im newbie to construct. I tought if i would change variable to 5 it would stay 5 and use 5 to all actions than involve changed variable.

    What I wanted: VariableX = 3, Change VariableX to 5> do event1 with VariableX(5)> do event2 with VariableX(5)

    But what i get is VariableX = 3, Change VariableX to 5> do event1 with VariableX(5)> do event2 with VariableX(3)

    It works only if i change variable twice like this

    VariableX = 3, Change VariableX to 5> do event1 with VariableX(5)>Change VariableX to 5> do event2 with VariableX(5)

    so i assumed it must be a bug...

  • What I'm trying to achieve is to generate every hexagons size randomly. But even if I set value manually it just bugs out... Zindex is basically size of hexagon. Starting value of Zindex is 3, If i change it before all generating stuff to for example 5, The "generate" part will use new variable 5, but "respawn" part will use old variable 3(parts are seperated with comments)

  • Thanks for that. What I am trying to do is generate Hexagon made out of random number of triangles. Zindex is the size of hexagon, each number represents layer of triangles. The action order I suppose is Pick center>do all the generate stuff>pick next center and repeat. But what happens if i use repeat is it picks all centers and do everything simultaneously... And if i do function ""for each center" it wont work at all

  • Hello, I have created this hexagon generator. But the thing is, I have to use "wait" action in order for it to work...

    How can I make events run in order from top to bottom, not executing them all at the same tick?

    At the capx file i have bookmarked the place that I need to get fixed.

  • Well I have looked a bit around. What I want is to save a generated hexagon to a file and then load it, but I cant seem to find topic on that. What would be the keywords on such topic?

  • Is it possible to save generated hexagon, and load it afterwards, without any generating?

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  • Well, I am using construct 2 for about a week now, so I do everything by flat logic. Here's what I made.

    I think the main thing that is different from your generator is that I use flipped triangles instead of rotated, because my goal is to make the game pixelated and if i rotate triangle it becomes screwed up...

  • Now I have new problem, I use UID to spawn sprites for hexagon. Everything works perfect, but if i place something in like text box, everything goes wild. And if i delete text box afterwards it still gets bugged out. But if I load previous save(where I have not placed text box) it works again...

  • Thanks, I can generate half of the hexagon, but I don't want to generate to other side, just copy it and rotate it.

    My question is how can I rotate all objects as one

    Edit: Never mind, played around with rotate and pin, the trick was to use rotate clockwise not set angle