The_Funny_Guy's Forum Posts

  • well i think you would have to look at the planets/roids orbit leight. Sometimes it is set very long. yesterday one planet was "orbiting" thru half of my screen hitting nearby solar system lol

  • I am trying to set a condition to create random number of objects of one type. For this i use GV that is being set at the start of layout. then, right under it i set that

    Value compare if ObjectX.Count is less then GV: create ObjectX

    sounds reasonable.

    But it doesnt work. Instead - when debuggin ive get and error saying:

    "ESpression 'Count': No 'ObjectX' object exists. returning zero.

    Well gee wiz, i know that theres no ObjectX and thats why i want the event to create them. Why its not working?

  • Sorry, the Link works now. <img src="smileys/smiley39.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    not the screenshot one ^^

  • A Particle Editor!


    Also I'm working on some very simple Particle Samples with Fade Behaviour, you create them and forge tthem <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    similar to the Plasma School only with color this time <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Error (404)

    We can't find the page you're looking for. Check out our FAQ or forums for help. Or maybe you should try heading home.

    <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • oh sorry

  • Custome Movement beh

    if Enemy overlaps Enemy: push out Enemy oposite direction

    work for me :)

  • Well i wont be a great discoverer if ill say that CC wiki is soo damn unfinished and abbandom. The worst part is - the pages about the very basic stuff are like that too. I can understand some in-depth techniques being left undone, but for example:

    I am in dire need of Custome Movement. But i have never used it before.

    And it has hell load of actions and conditions and not all of them are obvious ("Stop Steping"??? "Bounce"?? Push out??? the heck??).

    So here i am.

    Please. If someone kind enough would edit this page

    and fill it with proper description or just finish it.

    I am not asking to clean and finish the whole Wiki. But at least this.

    If wiki would be a bit more patched there wouldnt be half of the topics in "help&support" section.

    This would be for good of Construct and all of us.

    I would help, sure. But i have too little knowledge, not talking about my horrible english.

  • oh my. So there was actualy someone beside me playing Commander Keen?

    *high five*

  • <img src="" border="0" />

    you always steal the day Toki :)

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • so please don't share it around.

    its too good to be shared >:3 i am keeping this.

    After next 10 years, when you Sol will be already very rich, famous, and publish hellload of games that will gain you a fortune - i shall return!

    with this little alpha-sketch which i will then sell to rich collectors <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • 1. That is a whole layer, a sprite object set to a light gray colour with multiply effect is covering the whole layer. On top of that is a greyscale sprite set to additive, and it is set to fade behavior. The additive object is created randomly and set to destroy on fade.

    2. The rays/flare is made of one object repeated about 20 times. The cloud is the same... I used greyscale images and used the tint effect as well as additive effect.


    Can i ask you to make a .cap tutorial for this? <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    sorry for being such a pest.

    But the effect you achieved... just woah.

  • actualy no. The guys knew what FoW technique he'll use, he just wanted the blob around player to have a custome shape.

    I exactly know what i am after but the problem is my layout size. the smallest is 10k^2

    I know the basic techniques how could i have FoW. What i want to know is a variation of known technique or a new one that will not blow up the player CPU or VRAM :P

  • I belive everyone knows what FoW is.

    The problem is - how to implement it?

    At first i thought the obvious - create "fog cloud" object every X and Y.

    And this would be okey i gues, for a small layout. lets presume that one cloud would be 128^2 pixels big. Thats about 100 of them for 1280^2 big layout. And as its the same sprite object it wouldnt only impact the CPU, not the VRAM. But what if the layout is 10k^2? now we have about 10k of them. And 10k objects is... troublesome, at best.

    So to cut the CPU usage/number of Objects i can adjuct the cloud size twice but then it will impact the VRAM the bigger the cloud would be. So either way CPU or VRAM are burdened.

    I though about Canvas but Canvas of this size is like a russian roulette with full barrel.

    I could try the 1st + occlusion culling/array i am not sure if i can pull this one out.

    Any ideas or tricks comes to your head how to execute this? i cant think of any reasonble solution but i lack the skills and knowledge. And this FoW is something i really would like to have. Or at least know how to use, if not for my current project then for future use.

  • this is one of those moments i want to smack myself in the face.

    Ahhh... why i am always blind for the obvious solutions?

    Thank you GF.

    another thing. this:

    AppPath & "" & random(10)+1 & ".png"

    gives me error saying:

    '+' does not work on 'integer' and 'string'

    the heck?

  • actualy this is a great material for a sig :D