thedude1693's Forum Posts

  • Do you mean a button to go back to the main menu or to close a game exported as an .exe?

    If the former, just create a button with an event to save the game and go to the main menu layout.

    If the latter, I believe the browser close event will work for .exe as well.


    Follow this guide:

    And when you edit the index.html file make sure you also replace the version in the .zip file before uploading to kongregate.

  • I've tried using the built in kongregate plugin to submit my score but it doesn't show up on the website. I have it enable to display leaderboards.

  • CSV plugins are great, I'm using them a lot in my games:

    Thanks and one last thing, how do import the .CSV file into the project to load with the plugin

  • For an RPG project I'm working on weapons and gear are generated randomly I.E from a set list of prefixes, names, then suffixes.

    I don't want to manually add an event to set a position in an array for each name.

    Can I write the list in a text file somehow and have it load into the game as an array to be picked?

  • I want to check for a value in my array on a certain axis, I.E positions (1,0) (1,1), (1,2)... for my inventory. As I want to check for item ID's but the second line of the array (the one that defines the amount of an item in the inventory) is interfering

  • SoldjahBoy I assume I can create a box effect by pinning a box and setting it to the size of the sprite?

  • My weapon shop works like this.

    Player hovers their mouse over the weapon

    Text appears in a box that says the weapons stats, price, and more information.

    Player clicks weapon to buy it.

    How would I go about implementing this?

    I know how to do the buying thing, just not the text showing up.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Send me a screenshot of your construct sprite editor with the animations.

  • Set the animation speed higher than 0

  • Here's how I'd do this. You can make the fire-rate an instance variable on the player if you want but I just threw this together in 5 minutes.

  • Toggle disabled disables the event, prevents you from deleting it for troubleshooting if a certain event causes a bug. Bookmark bookmarks the event and allows you to find it easily, in-case you have a lot of events, and I'm not sure what breakpoint does.

  • Ignore this I don't know how forums work so I quoted you to notify you.

    I read everything you posted and put into the project. I noticed all the path finding issues seem to stem from the "longer" enemies. It appears they seem to be the ones getting stuck to the walls. Even changing their origin points seems to have no real affect on them. I'm seriously about to just remove every enemy type that's not a 32x32, 64x64, etc... cube so they can pathfind correctly!

  • Okay, turning your cell size UP to about 20, and the cell border DOWN to about 2 or 3 immediately made a massive improvement.

    With your previous setting, the ewnemy was looking basically for a gap of over 50 pixels to fit through which is why they were having some issues trying to walk around through your structure.

    After changing those setting just quickly - I got swarmed and died almost immediately from about 10 enemies running straight for me with little to almost zero "circle running" or hesitation.

    Hope this helps... but you can maybe tweak even further - 20 and 3 were the first settings I tried.


    Thank you, is there any way to visualize this so I can see what size to make my hallways and stuff?

  • It could be that your path assessment is too short... every 0.5 seconds doesn't leave much time for them to execute the path before "stopping" to find another path.

    If you can post your capx file, then maybe I can have a look and see what the problem may be if increasing the time (make it like 5 seconds or more) between path calculations doesn't help.

    ~Sol /file /d/ 0Bx4FI3LqqX93VjZ0bkRMUUxFT0E/view ?usp=sharing