TheDev's Forum Posts

  • Thanks for the reply, Kyatric.

    I contacted the author of one of the images that required only to give credits and we agreed that simply stating his name in the credits roll would be fine.

    I was also made aware of the "50% modified rule" when you pick any images from the 'net. I just cannot find anything about it but it would seem like if you modify an image so that at least 50% of it's visual is not recognizable from the original, you're fine to use it both commercially and non-c.

    Have you or anyone ever heard of that rule and maybe provide a link about it?


  • Hi everyone,

    I am planning to make a game that uses photos from the Internet.

    Modify them quite a bit but the subjects/landmarks overall would still be recognizable.

    I am using photos that are adhering with the creative commons copyright. They're all free and all the authors ask is that credits are given (which I plan to do in-game in the credit roll.)

    Do you guys see an issue with this if I want to monetize the game?

    Do you guys have a link to a website that talks about copyright and photos used for a video game?


  • Alright, I'll let them know.

    I really need (and many people I'm sure)their next version of Cocoon to have a fix for this.

  • Yep. Like I mentioned in my updated post, after speaking to the guys over at Ludei and further investigation of the issue, they told me it is a CocoonJS bug after all.

  • 377 views, and 1 "Thank you" for sharing your issue with us. :)

  • No problem guys.

    See updated original post for more details.

  • Hello all, thought this could help other people having the same issue.

    Also possibly related to prior sound issues people had in another thread that was closed.


    I've had an issue with long sound files vs short ones. Long sound files (longer than 20 secs)would play, but short ones wouldn't play on android.

    I contacted Ludei about this and sent them a ZIP.

    Well, looks like the game was not detecting my device correctly (android) and tried to play the short sound files in m4a format which is not working on android (I didn't know). Should be playing ogg files instead.

    Check the debug menu in Cocoonjs during gameplay (fps number box), verify if you see your sound files being loaded in m4a format.

    If so, a temp solution is to do this (you can use Notepad++ on windows):

    Modify line 775 of c2runtime.js and change this line:

    this.isAndroid = /android/i.test(navigator.userAgent);

    for this line:

    this.isAndroid = true;

    Should force a proper detection of your device and play all sound files as ogg.

    By the way, "c2runtime.js" is inside your exported ZIP file for Cocoonjs.


    In any case the above fix doesn't work for you, you can also just replace every instance of the word "m4a" with "ogg" in the above JS file.

    Also, make sure you've got the actual ogg files in your game. (C2 creates them for you at the import of sounds)

    Ashley: this issue seems to be related to the way C2 detects what device is running the game after Cocoonjs modifies the useragent. Seems to mess up the detection system. The guys over at Ludei told me they would sort this bug out with you guys. UPDATE: looks like this will be fixed in an update of Cocoonjs. Ludei: "A bug that isn't reporting the user agent correctly and that's what's making Construct use the m4a files." You can close this bug I guess. :)

    ----->Also, is there a way to include only ogg files when we know the game will run on Android? Without the need to delete wav and m4a files manually before the export. Thx

  • Thanks for the reply!

    I had to check your website on my desktop computer to access the forum. The drop down menus don't work on my mobile's browser so I couldn't see the Forum section under "Technology".

    I'll be checking out the forum for my audio issues.

    See you there! :)

  • Hi everyone!

    For the love of my cat I can't find a forum on Ludei's website!

    Does that mean we've got to email them everytime there's an issue with the app or cloud?

    Also, wouldn't it be a good idea if there was a forum section here to share our experience and discuss issues and tips to resolve them?

    Right now, some sounds don't play when my game runs through Cocoonjs' app. The first 2 sounds don't play (considered sound effects since no longer than 20secs). The music does play and is more than 20 seconds long. Tried preloading the 2 first sounds... no go. Is this bug with first sounds not loading/playing properly a known issue?

    I don't know where to get answers about that and I already sent them an email without any response. Can't find the issue mentionned elsewhere on the forum.

    Am I missing something?


  • So I'm guessing that whenever some feature from C2 doesn't work when wrapped using Cocoonjs the devs from both softwares talk to each other? Right?

    Also, how tight is this collaboration? I mean I understand the primary concern is C2 for the web and EXE I imagine, but how much importance is given whenever, say, sounds don't work when a game is playing on Cocoon?

    Do you guys mainly just wait for Ludei to get a fix for the issue and help them when they ask for it? :)

  • As in "I'm not sure we can SAVE the tab order"? or "I'm not sure we can change the way the tabs are ordered"? :)

    Also, how are they sorted right now? Looks like it's all layouts first then all events. Am I right?

    What about a button next to the drop down arrow that would toggle between classic order and sort all tabs in alphabetical order? This way we could name our layouts and events in a way that will keep them next to each other.

    Could even use a numbering system to keep them together AND in order...

    /00-Menu/00-Menu events/01-L1/01-L1 events/...

    What do you think?

  • +1 like mentioned by the OP. The way it's on the picture.

    Tabs order is important to me. I want to keep each Layout tab next to its Event tab for every level of my game and their order saved:


    When I reopen a project, the tabs would be in the same order has last time.

    Would be very appreciated.

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  • Thanks for all your replies people.

    lunarray: that's quite a lot of variables and stuff! :) Thanks for that reference website too.

    nimtrix: seems much simpler.

    I'm going to try both approaches see which one doesn't make my non-math-non-programming brain explode. :)

    Like nutmix said, I'm VERY surprised such a feature hasn't been implemented yet in C2. I mean, it's meant to be used by people with little to no programming/maths skills and for the creation of videogames which involves movement of sprites.

    Anyways, thanks again to all.

  • Making a game where there will be many sprite translations/movement controlled by events...

    Is there an easy way to just place a sprite at some location on-screen then run an event to tell it to go to X,Y coordinates at N speed?

    I couldn't find anything that just does this. With ease-in and out would be even better.

    I don't want to use external plug-ins though. :)

  • Any update on this?

    Anyone with experience putting ads in their game using cocoon or any other way?
