TheColdVolcano's Forum Posts

  • I have a timer based game. In this game there are 4 checkpoints and multiple obstacles.

    Currently, whenever the player reaches the checkpoint I save the game using save game to slot. After saving the game, if the player hits any of the obstacles, the game starts from the saved state.

    However, right now even the timer gets reset to the state when I load the game from slot.

    Is there a way I can save the state of the game except for the timer?


  • Check out these demos:

    Thank you! This helped. I did not require multi-touch so modified it a bit. But thank you for giving a direction!

  • Hello,

    Is there a way in which one can make a PubG like game controller which allows my player to move in 8 directions?

  • Create a global variable at the start of the event sheet. When the player collides with the enemy, use the action System - Select Subtract From - Select the global variable you created which stores the health value - Mention in the value field the number you want to deduct from the players health.

  • Hello, I have created a simple lift / elevator animation. There are 3 sprites used for this; 2 chains that holds the lift platform and one lift platform on which the player will be standing. The animations are working perfectly fine in general. However, when I load my game from a slot then the timeline animation misbehave. It either animates just one of the chain and keeps the rest two static at one position and it does not move at all. How do i make sure this does not happen?

    This is a simple piece of code if anyone wants to replicate and find a solution or suggest me some workarounds.

    Event Sheet

    Layout with 3 sprites: 2 black chains and one lift platform.


    If I use 3 timelines for those 3 sprites then it works fine. Is this expected? Using multiple sprites in same timeline does not work?

  • Hi, if I understand correctly you need this...

    even if it works, if you check the debug mode it goes that using the overlap the creation of new instances will continue until the overlap is stopped. To avoid this I recommend that you use the collision instead.

    The link to the project ...

    I hope I was helpful, I am a beginner too and I don't speak English, but if I can help I do it willingly. Hello and good luck.

    Thank you! This worked.

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  • There are 10 objects in the family. I want to pick the object that the player overlaps with from this family and create an instance of the picked object. I tried to look at various solutions but not sure how to do it. Please guide.

  • Did you give the behavior to the family or the objects separately?

    Even if we assign the behaviour to the family, the objects in it inherits the behaviour right?

  • Use a Tiled Background and change the Image Offset Y

    Using BBox and checking the layout boundaries did the trick.

  • I am currently trying out a vertical infinite scrolling functionality. While auto-scrolling can be easily implemented by setting the Y position as

    Self.Y - ScrollSpeed * dt

    However, What I am trying to achieve is the the backgrounds would scroll infinitely but only when the player is moving vertically.

    This is my layout:

    There are three backgrounds: Red, Green and Blue. So whenever a player moves upward the backgrounds should repeat infinitely in sequence Red, Green, Blue and when the player is moving downward the backgrounds should repeat infinitely in sequence Blue, Green, Red.

    How exactly to achieve functionality?

  • Create a static variable. Set it to 3

    Set a recurring timer for 1 second

    Every time the timers goes off, subtract from static variable, then check if the variable is <= 0

    Used is Timer running action and every second set the subtracted countdown value. That pretty achieved all that I wanted! Thank you!

  • I am using this as an example for my game. However, in addition I want to add a 3, 2, 1 Go kind of countdown. So basically, right now we are setting the flag to wave if there is an overlap for 3 seconds. So as soon as the overlap starts, I want to subtract 1 from timer every one second till it is zero and display it in the gameplay (basically indicating the seconds one need to keep it overlapped for the flag to be set to waving). Timer behaviour hits just once. Any idea on how to go about it?

  • Hello, Is there a way in which we can get the IID of pinned object?

    Let's say an object B is pinned to object A. Whenever the player collides / overlaps with object A, I want to fetch the IID of object B and set a different animation for object B.

    Right now with what I have implemented, if I change the animation for one of the instance of the object, it changes for all of the instances of that object.

  • > > Like Maverick said create the spawned objects into a family.

    > >

    > > You can also save a bit of memory by inverting the "is overlapping" event so that the object won't spawn at all. This will work better if "on destroyed" is scoring points etc.


    > But how can I test is overlapping without creating the object first?

    Consider you have 4 slots of object spawning.

    Pick random slot that not being chosen(isChosen = false).

    After picked, set isChosen = true.

    Then the next ones will pick the slots that has isChosen = false only.

    I have flying objects in the layout and what is happening if I create an object randomly at X with Y = 0, then sometimes the object gets created on those flying objects. I guess with this approach the issue won't be resolved.

  • > > Add that object into a family.

    > > If object overlaps family, destroy it.


    > SVG's cannot be added to the family?

    I don't know why you said it can't

    My bad I was trying to add two different object type in the same family. Even if I create a family how can I test if it is overlapping anything in the layout before creating the object?