TheBuob's Forum Posts

  • First make sure that the Instance variable you have created is of the Text type.

    To set the Instance variable of the Player object, create an action, double click on the Player Sprite Object, double click on the Set value (under the Instance variables category), pick the Direction variable (that you had created before) from the list (it should be the only one existing) and on the Value field type the direction you want to set e.g. "Right" with the quotes.

    Do that for every direction, just like in my example.

    The same applies when you check the content of a variable (compare variable) in a condition. You type the corresponding direction with quotes (e.g. "Down") and Construct only triggers the down animation when the condition is true.

    Great! I managed to set the directions accordingly (I had forgotten about the quotes, silly me!). Only one more thing, and I'll be on my way. What did you do with events 15 to 19? I see you managed to link 4 different events to event #15, and I don't know how to do that. I reckon that's a very useful thing to do and I would like to know what you pressed in order to do that.

  • > I like the idea of using an instance variable, since they usually keep everything nice and tidy, but every time I try to make an action to change its value, it says that "down" is an unknown expression and "right" "does not take 0 parameters". I think I might be wrong, but I'm supposed to use "Instance Variables -> Set Value", right? Is that the action I'm supposed to use? I still don't know how to set the direction to anything, as I just don't know which action I should use.


    To use an instance variable inside an expression, you have to write it in the format : Object.Instance_Variable (e.g. Sprite.Down, Enemy.HP, etc..)

    To set it, you just have to select it from the dropdown list, and to enter the value you want

    Where should I write this instance variable?

  • I like the idea of using an instance variable, since they usually keep everything nice and tidy, but every time I try to make an action to change its value, it says that "down" is an unknown expression and "right" "does not take 0 parameters". I think I might be wrong, but I'm supposed to use "Instance Variables -> Set Value", right? Is that the action I'm supposed to use? I still don't know how to set the direction to anything, as I just don't know which action I should use.

  • Alright, I'll give it a go and I'll get back to you!

  • Excuse me, but how did you manage to "set direction"? I can't find that anywhere. I apologise if that's a dumb question but again, I'm new to Construct 2 as an engine.

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  • Unfortunately, I can't share the capx file at the moment, but here's pretty much all there is to the project in question. All I've done so far is work on the sprites in Photoshop, so I don't have that much to share Construct2-wise.

  • Sorry, I have a new, albeit small issue. The walking animation gets stuck in the first frame whenever I move in a diagonal line. Do you know what could be causing this?

  • Marvelous! It worked! Thank you so much!

  • Sadly, that doesn't really help me. My animations can't be flipped nor mirrored since you don't see the player model from a top-down perspective, but rather from an isometric point of view. That being said, the "walk down" and "walk up" animations are completely different. I apologise for the confusion, since I just realised I wrote "top-down" in the OP. I'll correct it immediately.

  • Hello, friends!

    I recently started using Construct and I want to use a sprite sheet I've been working on for some time. Basically, the gameplay of my project is seen from an isometric point of view and I already programmed the sprite to move up, down, left and right without any problems at all. The real issue pops up once I press the left or right arrow, along with the up or down arrow. What I would like to do is use the same animations I already made for walking up, down, left and right, but for diagonal movement.

    Say, I want the character to move towards the bottom right corner of the map. In that case, I have 2 options. I can either press the [↓] key and then the [→] key, or, I could press the [→] key first and then the [↓] key. In the first case, I would set the "Walk Down" animation, and in the second case, the "Walk Right" animation. In a way, what I want to accomplish is a movement system similar to the one in Don't Starve and Zelda: Minish Cap, where the characters only have 4 different walking animations but 8 different directions they can move towards.

    Unfortunately, I don't know how to make an "if X key is down and then Y key is pressed" event, so I would appreciate any advise on this matter.

    Reason for edit: I originally wrote "top-down", instead of "isometric". Apologies!