thatserafimkid's Forum Posts

  • I gave your problem a shot. Take a look at my capx.

    All you have to do to add more keys is add the new sprite to the Keys family and set the ID variable to the key name. Then in the events add to the array index the puzzle combination you want and increase the size of the array. Let me know if you have an issue with any of that.

    If you just want to keep using the same three keys then all you have to so is change the puzzle combination in the events page. Just add to the array.

    Check it out.

  • Virtualistik

    I'm not sure why you had the set bit code in your input array. As soon as I took it off it seemed to work. Here check out my reworked example. The only thing I could see you having a problem with is trying to rebind the analog sticks. I'm not sure how that would be done. I'ld have to think about it. But I don't know if that's something you wanted.

    In the example click one of the Control buttons in the ui that you want to bind than click a button on your gamepad to bind it.

    What you would do is preload the array with the default bindings.

  • You're welcome. Good luck expanding on it. Can't wait to see what your game looks like. Just reuse the gravity shields. each direction has a separate ID that correlates to the direction. So as long as you copy the right direction you can use it on any platform. The inside corners is the only tricky bit. You'll have to give your platforms ID like I did. You can probably put all your platforms in a Family and give them a Family instance variable ID. You'll have to add the code for the inside top left, bottom, left, and bottom right. Right now I have top right in the code. So you can figure it out from there.

    Let me know if you get stuck at any point and I can always help you.

  • The image point so I can position the inside marker at the edge of the character. The InsideMarker is not a nose lol, Its needed to test collision when doing an inside corner rotate. All three markers can be set invisible and it will run the same.

    Self is just an easier way to refer to current object your giving commands to. Rather then write Sprite2.Angle I can do Self.Angle if my condition already refers to the object.

    The Angle is just an expression of the sprite object.

    Do a little reading in the manual about objects and expressions to get yourself familiarized.

    Try this for the jumping off the ledge problem.

    The purple half circle are what I call the gravity field. By increasing the size of those you can change how far your character can jump while still getting sucked down to the platform. Those can be set invisible. Easier to see the effect when they are visible.

  • Here's my take. Although I do like Burvey example.

  • Here, this should get you going in the right path. Just a tip use thatserafimkid , or who ever you are speaking to so they get a notification that you replied to them,

  • I put together a quick example to show you how to do it. My method uses a Family.

  • Here I just threw this together really quick. Let me know if its what you were looking for. Should help you get started. Let me know if you have any questions.

  • If you select your dice sprite. On the left in sprite properties you can change the default starting frame for each you can use the same sprite copy it 6 times and change the default frame for each. Is that what you are looking for?

  • When you're in the shop it's still possible to click menu items. I went to hit the back button and almost reset the game a few times.

  • You should defnitely try to space those buttons up. My big thumbs couldn't even press the move and jump buttons at the same time making it impossible for me to jump on any platform.

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  • Iolva

    In the options menu. Instead of the X just appearing, it moves the whole button over to the left. It's as if the origin is not positioned right.

  • Not sure if this was intended or not but you sound and music toggle buttons moves when muted.

  • If you refering to the estimated memory use for your project that's based on the layout with the most memory use. It's not based on the whole project. So as long as each of your worlds is on different layouts then it will only load that one world into memory. So you wont have 174x8mb just which ever world/layout is currently loaded.

  • bump