MyApp: Nov. 22nd, fails to execute in Safari.
However same app runs, unmodified, correctly and without errors in Google Chrome on same Mac.
General behaviour in Safari::
- Error in safari web inspector console (see below)
- not all graphic assets displayed
- some graphic assets are blinking in and out
- some displayed assets are not in right position
- very, very, very slow execution
My environment is::
MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6
Chrome on Mac Version 87.0.4280.67 (Official Build) (x86_64)
Safari Version 13.1.2 (13609.
Using the latest stable Construct 3 release R225
************* Web Inspector Console Log ************************
[Error] Viewport argument key "minimal-ui" not recognized and ignored. (index.html, line 7)
[Log] Registered service worker on
[Log] [C3 preview] Browser opened wrong size popup: wanted 1152 x 858, got 1152 x 835; resizing to compensate (previewWindow.js, line 15)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<default>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<default-device-transform>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<point>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_351d81300000005' to match BindAttributeLocation request.WARNING: Could not fin…" (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<fill>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request.WARNING: Output of verte…" (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<lineargradient>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<hardellipse>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<hardellipseoutline>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<smoothellipse>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<smoothellipseoutline>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<smoothline>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program '<tilemap>' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Log] [Facebook] No App ID provided. Please enter an App ID before using the object. (domSide.js, line 2)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'dodge' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'multiply' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'hardlight' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'screen' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'tint' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'exclusion' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'colorblend' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'difference' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'grayscale' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'glowvertical' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'glowhorizontal' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'overlay' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'setcolor' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [WebGL] Shader program 'satblend' compilation log: – "WARNING: Could not find vertex shader attribute 'webgl_359fbc7d00000008' to match BindAttributeLocation request." (shaderProgram.js, line 5)
[Info] [C3 runtime] Hosted in DOM, rendering with WebGL 1 [Intel HD Graphics 3000 OpenGL Engine] (standard compositing) (runtime.js, line 21)
I have been butting my head on various issues on IOS, any help or clarification would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.