tgeorgemihai's Forum Posts

  • Since there is no solution for TileMaps seams at the moment (except the one with Integer Letterbox Scaling) I see only 2 viable options (the old ones):

    Method 1

    Use 9-Patchs, TiledBackgrounds and Sprites to build the Room/Level

    Method 2

    1. Create your TileMap in another program (example: Tiled)

    2. Get an image with the whole level

    3. Split that image in smaller images

    4. Create 1 Sprite that will have these images as frames

    5. Create your Room/Level in C2 on 1 Layout using multiple instances of the sprite with different frames

    6. Create another Layer (invisible) that will contain collision Sprites

    7. ...

    8. Profit

    Both methods have advantages and disadvantages compared to a TileMap, but it should get the job done

  • Aphrodite

    Thank you very much

  • Aphrodite

    Thanks, is exactly what I wanted

    Still can you explain the formula lerp(a, b, x) ? I understand that a=current position, b=destination and x=speed, but I can't figure how x works. I want to understand it in order to use it for menus. Using these examples, how can I make the "easeOutBack" or "easeOutExpo" ?

  • Help

    I've read this and this , but still can't figure how to use it in C2

    So the formula is lerp(a, b, x) . What means every variable from the formula and how do I use it with Move To ?

  • vtrix

    Your solution only works with 16x16px Sprites ? Can't use bigger ones like 32px or 64px ? How did you fill the Layout ? Do you have a function or something like that ?

    Long story short -> Editing the exported image doesn't work with TileMap object

    Maybe Ashley can clarify why your demo with 2500 instances of the same sprite runs smooth even on mobile devices. If the performance difference is negligible, I would prefer to use sprites as tiles since they support higher quality instead of TileMap and 9-Patch

    Any thoughts ?

  • ubuntuonline

    While engines like C2 or Game Maker may make you lazy, they have the advantage of time, you can make a Super Mario game in hours without complex code skills. Also C2 is a great tool for learning how games are made (code/action flow).

    But if you have time so spend and the possibility to learn programming, nothing beats pure code programming

    Good luck

  • Anyone ?

  • I have a RPG type of game. How do I make a character jump anywhere on map (to a specific X,Y position) using Lerp like in the following image ?

    The green circle is the shadow (the actual Sprite controlled by the user)

    The little guy is the player/main character and is pinned to the green circle

  • shinkan

    Sorry, my bad, I've read wrong "sprite as tiles 16*16 tilemap" ... I thought vtrix used actual Sprites as TileMap Thanks

    And yes I know how Tiles work

    I've read Ashley's blog post as soon as the TileMaps were implemented in C2

  • vtrix

    Looks and moves great on my Lumia 925 and Android tablet, zero seams

    Not that I complain, but shouldn't it be more resource hungry since there are over 1000 instances of the same object (different frames) ?

  • Rushino vtrix

    Yes, I plan to release it on mobiles So I will continue to use 9-Patchs (for fill) and Sprites (for corners).

    Is it a good idea to increase Window Size from 720x720 to 960x960 and my Grid Size from 72x72 to 96x96 in order to get 9-Patchs more detailed on resolutions like 1080p

  • Again, guys I am sorry for going on, I guess I need more patience but I don't expect to make make my problems other people's. If any of you have used Game Maker before, please let me know what you think of it. Yes I'm sad that I am not going to use Construct anymore because I've invested so much time in it and have created 2 apps, and a few other ones too. So I know the basics, enough create simple games and apps.

    I've tested Game Maker:Studio before and I can say the following:

    Is a good engine, I dare to say even better than C2 in a lot of ways (native exporting, 3D Support, more commercial games released ... etc).

    But Game Maker:Studio was the one that made me look for another engine and and thanks to that I've found C2.

    The downsides of Game Maker:Studio are:

    • Full of bugs (there was one version that couldn't even compile/test games... around 1 week of waiting for fix)
    • Outdated Room/Level editor (have more functions than C2 but is a pain to use)
    • Proprietary programming language (If you have to learn a programming language, why not C++ or C# or Java, languages that are more widely used ... If you still have to learn a programming language why not also get a better engine like Unity)
    • Community was very aggressive (I was about to spend 200~500 Euro on their software (Master Collection was 500Euro for a limited time) but I admitted that I had used a "borrowed" license in order to see how good is their software and asked some questions about stability and support ... Instead of giving me opinions on what should I buy, I got heavy words and banned next day ... And yes, I was ready to spend/invest up to 500Euro in GameMaker)
    • Support was very poor (over 30 pages on a topic about a limited sale (the 500Euro one), no official date, "only mid August", no official response on 10 August ..... The same with the compile issue, lot of topics, no official answer ... )
    • Questionable actions like this
    • Expensive (800$ (Master Collection) or 200$ (Professional + HTML5 Exporter)
    • Not so optimised without YoYo Compiler (300$) ... Without it the native performance is the same as C2 HTML5 ... Try Street Fighter X Mega Man on a weaker PC and you will understand what I am saying

    Game Maker used to be a hobbyist/indie tool but is now marketed/priced as a professional one. Overall is not that bad, maybe my experience was a negative one, but there are definitely better alternatives ... If you are serious and want something "better" then C2 I would recommend Unity (free for indie) + PlayMaker Plugin (100$).

    Good luck

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  • (player is not overlapping stairs) Is not a sub-event or a called function to be triggered when asked for, thats why it is starting on start of layout.

    Thanks, I figured and fixed that using a global variable for the normal speed ... I will rephrase the question: Is this (the code from the first post) the way to reduce player's speed when overlaping an object or is there a better way (another events) ?

  • vtrix

    Thanks for your help, but I will continue to use 9-Patch (for fill) and Sprites (for corners) after all ... Works well on different resolutions ... it ***** that the TileMap Plugin is kind of useless It would helped me a lot.


    That is the point ... If I use Integrer Scaling I can say goodby to multiple resolutions

    I was asking if there is a workaround for this.

  • vtrix

    Would work for this ?

    Window Size: 720x720

    Fullscreen in browser: Scale outer

    Grid size: 72x72 (this is the measurement I use, 1 unit/square)


    Also if TileMap is not possible, is indicated to do the following:

    Since I use 9-Patches, I can only use their actual size, can't use scale (unlike Sprites that support a higher/bigger resolution)... Is a good idea to increase my Grid size to 96x96 and the Window Size to 960x960 ?