tgeorgemihai's Forum Posts

  • Hello, I have the following :

    One background on a layer and some sprites on another layer

    How can I hide the top and bottom areas (or show only o center area) of the layer with sprites ? Something like in the following image:

    Something as Megaman 7 - Cloudman's Stage (1:45)

    I've found this tutorial, but in not really what I want: ... imple-mask

  • Without 3D, I don't really see the point of C2 on Hololens, except the wall thing

  • Tokinsom

    This is unfortunate ... An option like this would had been really useful

    I need the Platform behavior only for moving left-right and falling (no acceleration or other complex stuff) so I think it shouldn't be that hard to make it using events. Can you give me some pointers/examples for this ?

  • Hello, my problem I simple:

    I have 2 characters that use the Platform behavior and I need one to have collisions with certain Solid objects/platforms while the other one to not have.

    Activating and deactivating the Solid behavior based on witch character have collision is not an option since both characters can be in the same place at the same tine.

    How can I do this ?

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  • Didn't tested, but the Touch plugin should work since Node.js is basically a standalone Chrome.

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  • R0J0hound

    Sorry for my late reply, I was busy with with my job and college.

    Thank you very much for your example and explanation, it is what I needed

  • TGeorgeMihai check again works fine

    Works for you because you are logged into your account. Try to open the link in private/incognito tab (or not logged in).

  • Learn more with demos:

    The link doesn't work.

  • I've fixed case 1 and 2 with the following events:

    It still hang/hooks a little so if someone knows a better method or what I should modify it would be great

  • Egyptoon clockworkmonster

    You make only one sprite that contains all the animations for the all objects and pin it to an invisible sprite that is the object itself that handles the collision.


    You have sprites: enemy1, enemy2, enemy3 -> These are only simple sprite used for collisions (they will be invisible during runtime). The interaction in game will be made with these sprites. Also, include a variable as "animationUID" to know what animation belongs to it.

    sprite: enemyAnimation -> Contains the animations for enemy1, enemy2, enemy3


    For each "enemy1"

    Pick enemyAnimation by UID = enemy1.animationUID --> "enemyAnimation" set position to "enemy1" (image point 0)

    ... something like this should reduce draw calls

    More info:

  • This all comes down to NOT HTML5 or the browser, but just not well optimized critical performance pipeline of C2 engine. Which I have been requesting overhauls for 3 years now. It's why I requested focus on core malleable World Object with dynamic attached behaviours rather than C2 rigid Plugin system. This would allow for more flexibility to overhaull the choking points in C2.

    So it is what I feared the most, the engine itself . I thought of this since my games can run at 60fps in crosswalk, but there is always a stutter, also the smallest frame drop (even 56~57fps) is noticeable.

    I've tested the Unity Demo in HTML5 Preview and while it has 2D and 3D examples, it works surprisingly good, fluid and very good at resources. Couldn't test it on mobile because it takes around 400MB.

    And yes, modularity of plugins should be there ... Unity's approach is very good in this way: you include your plugin/asset in your project and after that you use/modify it. Other people don't need to have the same plugins as you or certain versions added to C2 since the plugin is included in the project.

    I've already got back my money that I've invested in C2, but not sure about the time ... It feels like C2 is still in beta after more than 1 year I'm working with it. I'm not sad or mad, but doubtful of what to do next.

    Ashley has seen that C2 has reached it's limits already and decided to go for C3 (which is a good thing to make a better Construct from scratch than patching the current one) so I could continue working in Construct hoping C3 would make things good, but at the same tame I could go for another engine that can do things good now, but I'll have to start all over again...

  • Joining the C2 performance/rant

    To put it simple, C2 is "Jack of all trades, master of none".

    The good part is that more and more big companies are going for web apps (HTML5) ...The bad part is that no matter how much Ashley struggles, HTML5 will not even be close to native for at least 2-3 years ... Is still in "development". At least on mobiles where performance is weaker. While C2 has great HTML5 performance (simple games works decent even on 1GHz CPU and 512MB RAM), you can't compare it with native performance.

    Like others said, a simple Crappy Fird clone takes 30MB and uses 20~40% CPU and still has some frame drops... Angry Bots (default demo of Unity) takes 38MB, uses around the same % of CPU, no frame drops.

    Eli0s's Fancy Benchmark runs at 6~9 fps CPU 25~40% in Chrome, 8~9fps CPU 70~90% in FireFox on my Samsung Galaxy S4 while Epic Citadel runs at constant 60fps on default and 30~55fps at Ultra High Quality (rendered at 1080p), and Angry Bots mentioned above...

    So yeah, "HTML5 has close to native performance" / sarcasm

    Maybe the CPU part is close to native, but the graphics part is not even close. I've stressed my device to test Epic Citadel and Angry Bots at a lower framerate, and guess what, at 15~20fps they still look more fluid, with no stutter then C2 at 45~50fps

    Just a quick remainder that Unity also started to support HTML5 and works quite well (on PC), on mobile is not optimized at the moment ... I know that the grass looks greener on the other side, but in most of cases it is greener

    So yeah, the same old rant But all of us were aware (or should had been) when chosen to work with C2

  • System -> Set layout angle


    System -> Set layer angle (do this for all the layers you need)

  • Anybody ?

    I was thinking to check the collision at offset and move the player in the opposite direction where the moving [block] is going.

    How do I calculate the distance the block (with sine behavior) in moving ?