Temoana's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Search for this code (will be in a frameworks.sh file)

    source="$(readlink "${source}")"

    and replce with the following (see the -f added):

    source="$(readlink -f "${source}")"

    Clear your build folder and clean errors, then rebuild (Archive).

    MAN! Thank you very much.

    It worked like a charm.


  • That's crazy !

    Good job.

  • Hello, as I understand it.

    At first you app will be in "limited ad serving" mode and when your app will pass all the checks it will be in "normal ad serving" mode.

    Here are the checks :

    - Your app must be published.

    - Your app must be listed in a supported store (Amazon Appstore, OPPO App Market, Samsung Galaxy Store, VIVO App Store, and Xiaomi GetApps, and the AppStore)

    - Your app must be set up correctly in adbom and linkid to a supported store.

    Here is the article on Google Admob : support.google.com/admob/answer/10564477

  • It is verry intuitive.

    Stick to it and power trough.

    Good luck and feel free to ask around :)

  • As MrClifford said, you won't be able to preview your mobile ad in the Preview.

    You will need to export an APK (debug works for me) or an Xcode Project to test your game on an actual / emulated device.

    As the manual says : "It is important that when you're developing and testing your application you use test adverts. Viewing real adverts during your testing may result in your Admob account being suspended or closed!"

    So don't forget to setup your Application ID for Android and / or iOS, your Publisher ID, your Provacy policy URL and to check "Test mode" when you are testing your ads.

    You can access the properties by clicking the MobileAdbert in your Project panel and checking them in your Properties panel.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thank you very much. It helped me quite a bit


  • Hello there.

    Let me introduce you to my first game made with Construct 2... Flappy Bruce Lee.

    Yep another Flappy Bird clone... but with a different KICK !

    It's my first finished game, available on the Google Play Store.

    I've never played Flappy Bird, but came accross a clone featuring Teemo (from League of Legends) with terrible hit detection and told myself... why not making a clone too.

    It was more of a joke than anything else and was intended to be played by my work collegue, but since they liked it, I put it on the Play Store for everyone to enjoy.

    My Google Play Store experience

    It has been downloaded more than 1500 time, and got some great feedback about it.

    I had a hard time figuring out how to sign the .apk at first but thanks to the wonderful people on the forum it made it possible.

    FBL had been updated a numerous time already, last update was the "Cosmetic Update" wich added more than 15 costumes to the game (making it a total of 20 costumes).

    Too bad I wasn't able to put a leaderboard ingame so people could compete, hell, let's make a real game forth competing for

    That's it folks.

    You can find FBL on the Play Store or play it on my website.

    Good day, good day.

  • "f�licitation" :D

  • Hey there.

    A warm "hello world" from Tahiti.

    I've being using Construct2 for several month now, and I'm enjoying it pretty much.

    I work as a graphic designer and likes playing video games.

    Well that's pretty much to it.

    Gonna send Scirra a Postcard soon... lol

  • Hey there.

    First of all, here are the infos.

    Money : 780

    Wave : 110

    Rank : Captain Killer

    The main flaw in your game is that there is no thrives surviving, it just got boring after wave 10.

    I could easily go through all these waves without fearing for my life.

    Just got to spawn a massive amount of walls in the corners, clic to kill zombies, profit.

    The idea is great but need a little bit more development/polishing.

    You could :

    • spawn more zombies
    • have different type of zombies (tough one, running one, bombing one...)
    • give powerups to the player (like TNT, would be awesome to create a set of walls and wait for the zombies to agglomerate and then... KA-BOOM !)
    • different type of wall depending on the different type of zombies (brick, iron...)
    • have a stylish "RANK UP !" animation to tell the player that he is awesome
    • a leaderboard and a "Challenge your friends" thing

    BTW, I didn't get what sacrifing a survivor gave.

    Keep up the good work.

    Hope I could help you a bit.

  • Quite interesting, thank you for the share ;)

  • 11 posts