TELLES0808's Forum Posts

  • I was very busy these days changing the code to keep all the things learned with the SandBOX and building up my first character, using this template ^^

    The character template placed on SandBOX was designed have a long time, and to show up his potential I wanna release a mini game soon.

    I'm planning to release the mini game on August, and it'll have 3 stages.

    A preview of how the character is:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Hopefully you liked

    Edited 30/06/2012:

    here is the live demonstration ^^

    Edited 01/07/2012:

    Updated - From yesterday the game was huge improved, and now the Weapon and Bow poses are incorporated, many polish was made on the Player frames and a very huge work around the smoothness of detection and poses.

    Believing this will be nice to play, my next step is work on a custom controller setting, where you'll be able to setup your preferable keys to play.

    What do you think about CTRL and SHIFT keys to change the attack type? it's better to have separated keys?


    2012/07/24 - Added a tutorial to C2 Community;

  • this will not work as you want, because you're doing a mistake.

    if you want show the text "12345", letter by letter, just make it:

    add to objectText "1"

    wait 1 sec

    add to objectText "2"

    wait 1 sec

    add to objectText "3"

    BUT, in this way you'll finish it in one year or more, lol

    Also, visit these topics, it may help you:

  • This sounds interesting, but I don't understand how they hope to get developers interested. If 'free games' is their main advertising push, and the thing is as hackable as they say it is, then developers may lose what little money the get from sales due to easy piracy.

    It certainly sounds nice, though, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it turns out.

    I think they would make money advertising on the Games, so, think ***** when battling with the BOSS, because it may happen to appear an ADVERTISE on the middle of your screen and you lose the battle xD

  • I get stuck walking to the right side on the first stage, just after leaving the cave. The player fall on the right and you can't see him anymore.

  • It's growing with health, keep the atmosphere, and don't miss to teach the player new features or advanced combinations to win a challenge. =)

    I like when I have limited resources, but if it turn too hard, sometimes I give up. So, if you wanna go this way, you'll need to make certain to have a place to refill the resources, or a player can stuck on the stage because of the lack of resource, frustrating and getting out the game.

  • Make a GIF animation, export each frame, import it to C2, set the poligons of collision to be the same for all animations. If it not solve your problem, you'll need to edit your project file, so, save it in folder, open your notepad, search where have the collision boxes and replace all of them on the designated object (player, for example) to be the same.

    After this, you may happen to have the bug about the collision box getting the old frame size (that size of the very first empty frame, happen when you create a new object sprite and not import a image from your explorer, for example). To solve it, you can wait Ashley, or, edit the game files where have the image sizes written, replace them with the right sizes.

  • I was trying to reproduce it with boxes, and saw something what maybe is doing the speed different from 0 when in collision with a wall.

    It's straight related to the collision detection. When I have the time I'll work on it to see what's happening to show here.


    Ashley, I found the cause.

    When you make a new sprite object, import frames of different sizes and edit it's collision box inside the editor, it'll keep the size of the first frame, and the collision box will set the percentage of this first collision box too.

    I found it accidentally after this issue:

    Where I started a new sprite and after loading the image inside the editor, it keeped the old size for the collision box. It explain why the hell on a standing animation the character is moving a very little bit, keeping the speed different from 0.

    Re-cheking my main project, where the player have a lot of animations, I detected some animations was imported with different sizes and after this, I just edited the images outside the software to maintain the same size of the very first frame, but when re-loading them, they keep the old size for the collision box, even thought showing the right coordinates on the editor.

    I solved it exporting the project in folder and editing all the files where this sizes and percentages are presents.

  • Frames with different sizes will be stretched when exported.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    This is from a basic template, where I have, for example, 2 animations on the same gadget. The crouching animation I did with half of the size, for detection purposes (detection when inside a role, for example). Inside the editor, it run flawless, but when exported, it make this strip and stretch the frames.


    I separated the animations in folders, and I have no idea of why, but it make the strip correctly after it:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hello folks,

    I wanna confirm if I'm doing something wrong...

    I want to shake the screen when shotting, but if you go to the middle of the scenario, it work as instead, but if you shot near the left edge, for example, it don't work.. any idea?



    The second thing is about the player (the grey one, not the player sprites).

    It's floating over the scenario, and after many tries I decided to leave it as it is, because none of the code set any offset, so, I can't figure out what the hell is happening =(

    Edited: Yeah, shaking screen near the edge of a scenario don't will really shake the screen. It feel like a bug or a misunderstand of this functionality

  • Even I thought it to setup to that point only when the canvas start?

    O man, this is making me crazy... I isolated that sample from this sample:

    And here the grey box is the real player, but it's floating over the scenario, so, I was thinking that was the cause.


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  • No idea of why it's happening, but after many tries, nothing, it keep happening.



  • Suggestion on apply point to all animations.

    I noticed when you delete one point and click to apply to all animations, it still keeping that deleted point on the other animations, so, any chance to have this feature for deleted points too? (maybe they can be maintained in semi transparent grey until the user don't leave the editor window).

  • ubject - License :(

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    Hello. Please, don't this this message is spam.

    This is very strange, but I have to ask this question.

    I am Microsoft Student Partner, and the main word is "student". I am attending Windows 8 competition and make metro-style game. But I have no money to get license of Construct at the moment. Could you lend me a license file for about two weeks? Then, I swear to buy a personal license.

    As a gratitude, I as a Microsoft Student Partner will give you license key for Windows 7, Office 2010 of any Microsoft product you want.

    I really need this very much while competition attending as actual.

    Thank you.

  • You�ll really rock with your potential game =P

    Don't miss to call for help if needed ^^

    Looking forward to see your game finished.

  • SandBOX is here for it =)

    Feel free to download, and if you have any question, pls, ask here =]