TELLES0808's Forum Posts

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  • the truly behind scene of an indie developer ^^

  • Easiest way: Check distance.

    Actor 1 <= distance(Actor 1.X, Actor 1.Y, Actor 2.X, Actor 2.Y) do Actions;

    You can change actors by families, but only the currently involved objects will be checked and affected.

  • Well, the easiest way is setup conditionals to make the divisor always bigger than 0, NaN is "Not a Number", if you're doing a division by 0, it's infinite, and will never converge to a number.

  • The easiest way is put them all inside a family, and make an boolean variable for the family.

    Whenever you switch the controlled sprite, switch this variable to ON or OFF, and the new controlled thing ON, set the camera to check the family instance variable with the Boolean ON and make it follow the "family" and not the sprite.

  • Everything works nice when on preview or exporting it for HTML5, but when uploaded to Scirra, it simple don't load properly and never start.

    Also, on the F12 debug console of Chrome, I saw something trying to call the pathfind.js file.

    Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)


    Uncaught ReferenceError: getParameterByName is not defined c2runtime.js:456

  • This explain a lot of weird effects and unexplained effects on the game, lol.

  • Remember me <img src="" border="0" /> ^^

    Nice job, awesome game play!

  • One thing nice when asking for help, and you're not sure where you're doing wrong, is share the CAPX file.

    Use for it, it's free.

  • Yes, you're missing something inside your code. But discover it without a look is practically impossible.

  • OMG Yann thats a brilliant idea you got!

    You are right the towers dont shade each other correctly but i got a solution.


    Instead of getting all masks on top of the shadow layer i let them along with the shadows to arrange in the layer the same way as the main layer stuff.

    So now when the object is infront of another, the mask of the front object is over the shadow of the object in the back so it doesnt shades.

    That works as a charm. There is one major problem though.... That way i got all the objects in the game multiplied by 3, as object count and as sprites. Even more i got them all ordering by Y (not sure if this affects the performance).

    Btw is there a way to make the mask out of the object sprite in construct2, so i dont have to double the sprites in game?

    Anyways for my project i think i'll stick with the simpliest way. Have all sprites along with shadows and live with the overlapping glitch. Sadly but i think that technique will get too much for the performance.

    As I said, you can use and event system to sort the Z index, and throw your Z ordering plugin away. Using events you'll simple sort them, without any necessity of any other configuration than the placement of the "Imagepoint 0" on the bottom of the sprite.

    Double a sprite on the canvas is surely an issue, especially on mobile devices.

    Also, this sample have a nice workaround too, and sort Z as mentioned.

  • You can use this: "On any touch" and enable an entirely event sheet after this, and doing your sprites to appear on this code (setting them invisible doesn't mean they will be untouchable, so, only create then when any touch is detected is a better way to go..)

    There is somewhere an option called "touch screen is detected", or "on touch enable", I remember this option but was unable to find it.

    Good tutorial:

  • You can sort a Z order system using events, without any plugin, let me find the post and show you how.

    by the way, it\s very easy to achieve using events.

  • This is also suggested here:

    but BasicTribe, you need to wait a bit more, because something bug free need time.

    Look the Golden Lotus game, was designed using sines as courses, and the bullet behavior.

    So, believe you can make anything without much trouble, doing two objects to simulate a course, and setup behind the parabolic math when you want the object to follow start to bows (Y=aX^2+b)

  • I recommend you to learn more about the effects you want and then implement it via code, without the complete behavior.

    For example, if you want a repulsion effect, just go ahead with a clean object (without any behavior) and check if it's on collision, then, set it to "move to angle", where the angle is "angle(object.X, object.Y, object2.X, object2.Y) and the speed/force/movement desired is very variable, but you can setup like an impact force, or simple move 300 pixels, or, move something like "object2.speed/2".