TehLulzinator's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Thanks Ashley!

  • I found that when two instances are in different layers with different parallax settings collision detection will start behaving in a strange way. Objects do not appear to be detected as overlapping according to how you actually see them but in another way. This .capx demonstrates it.

  • Thanks a lot Kyatric! Always nice to get a quick reply, now I can get right at it again. <img src="smileys/smiley14.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I was playing around with how to handle separate instances of the same object. Naturally the UID would come in handy for this. But how you do you use it? There doesn't seem to be any way to access an instance according to its UID.

    Say I have one instance with a variable which directs towards another instance's UID, how do I put it to use?

    Thanks in advance!

  • This bug is pretty straightforward and does not require any .capx if you ask me. Simply try to write (Set at XYZ) a boolean from an instance into an array, and Construct 2 will tell you that "[boolean] is not an expression or instance variable in [object]".

    At least I presume you're supposed to be able to do that.

  • Thanks a lot! I'm terribly sorry for the idiotic mistake... I'll never know how I missed that.

  • Hello Ashley and Scirra community,

    Today I started working on an algorithm for Dungeon generation, but pretty soon I encountered something which appeared as a bug to me. Here is the situation:

    • Layout which is bigger than the canvas
    • Ability to scroll through layout using arrows
    • An array which gets filled with random values
    • Reloading the layout with any mouse button
    • Browser used: Firefox 6.0.1

    Every time I reload the layout, scrolling through the layout goes slower. It appears that something is clogging my CPU. Either I'm doing something in a way C2 doesn't like or the engine is flunking. (sadface)

    Naturally, a .capx is supplied.

  • Haha, just lovely. Runs very smoothly and the graphics are good too! Are you planning on expanding this?

  • Hmm, the only problem I have is that the installer appears to detect whether you have a 64 or 32-bit system. School computers are 32-bit and installation gives an error in the end when I try it (license didn't work, might've been that error). My own laptop is 64-bit so can't install here for portable use. Any suggestions? :\</p>

  • This "bug" of which I'm not even sure if it's supposed to be like this is very simple to reproduce. When you go to a layout you are already in, the "Trigger once while true" events will not run again. Is it supposed to be like this?

    If I'm not clear enough please do tell and I will make a .capx example.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • As the title says, when you create a new (second) instance of an object of type array the preview will not load both in Firefox and Chrome, file and http protocol.

    Strangely enough it does load in Internet Explorer. Browser versions respectively 4.0b11, 13.0 and 9.0.

    Download a .capx file here.

    Construct version: r51.2

    OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    Graphics card: ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4200 Series

    CPU: AMD Sempron II M120

    That's pretty much all information I believe.

  • I expect having both a flash and executable exporter (not to mention the others you suggested) would result in attracting two very different user groups, both with their own demands, which could get difficult to maintain.

  • Seems like the problem wasn't completely solved with v5.1. I still get the error message when starting Construct.

  • A little while ago I bumped into Construct 2. It seemed like a nice piece of software to me, and this was confirmed after having made a small game with it. Works nicely and as intended.

    However, here I am, having made a pretty big design for a pretty big game, stuck with Construct 2 after no more than an hour. Didn't struck me as too strange, it still being in beta and all that.

    Lets get specific. I'm planning to make an online turn-based strategy game. For this I want to use an SQL database. Using AJAX I could get a JSON object through, but after that there's nothing you can do with it. Can't really parse a string, and pulling through one piece of data at the time through AJAX isn't an option either. Way too inefficient.

    My question now is, how will this be done in a later implementation? Also, is it wise to just start my project in Construct Classic and just buy Construct 2 now for usage when it is in a more advanced stage?

    Everyone here on the forums probably knows a bit what to expect and how fast implementations of Construct 2 will all happen, since some of you have been through the development of Classic and seen it happen. I however get a bit uneasy when I spot things like there being no documentation and the problem I just mentioned with AJAX.

    I'm not trying to say I have no trust in the developer(s) at all, sorry if it sounds like that. Just don't know what to expect.

  • 14 posts