It can be, but running out of vram usually involves long loading times or crashes rather than low fps. How big are your textures and estimated vram use?
Otherwise -
actually now that i am focusing on the problem i noticed that is more of a crash and long loadings problem instead of a performance problem like i told before, because once is loaded everything is fine,
to answer your question, the textures are 500x500 but there are also some animations also 500x500 with 6/7 frames there are sometime 20 object like that on the screen at the same time, the main character is more complex 1000x1000 with 6 animation and each one with 8 frame, but i wanted to add more things, so i really need to find a solution
also on the phone the game takes a super long time to load but once is loaded works fine, but then as soon as something changes the games freeze for 2/3 seconds then works fine again, so yea loading problem not performance
do you think textures are too big? what should be the ideal size?
also i don't know how to check estimsted vram use can you help me with that?
also is there a way to find exactly what is making the biggest impact on loadings (like for example if it's a specific sprite the problem how can i find him)?
thanks for the link!
i don't know much about this topic so the more you can tell me the better, thanks!