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  • Hello! Have been trying all day to make this work but still can?t fix it.

    On the layout I have the player and three enemys (orcs) that I want to recieve damage individually. Experimented with families and UID after recieving an example capx from someone here at forum. I?ll post my capx so you can see what I have so far:

    the game

    use arrow keys to move press C to cast spells (and X just plays a attack with staff animation), hold sh*t while moving to walk.

           edit:       LOL spelled "shift" wrong

    I plan to add more kinds of enemies if this can be solved.


    (march 17)


    Still haven?t been able to solve this one. Tried to do the samr thing in GM8.1 with some GML and was done in 5 minutes since every instance of an object get its own creation code, but I DON?T want to use GM8.1 because C2 is so much better in so many ways!! There has to be a sollution to this! :)

    So if there?s anyone here can take a look at the posted capx (you need to have licensed C2) and help me out I would be extremely grateful!

  • Yep! that�s it :) thank you so much!!

  • what I mean is when someone from the family "enemies" is hit by a spell from the family "spells" the variable DMG of that specific spell is used to change the variable of the specific target. So I don�t have to make tons of events and actions between every kind of spell and every kind of enemy.

  • anyone?

  • ok so here it is:

    player casts a spell (star)

    star has a variable (DMG) that decides the damage target takes.

    star is also a member of the family "spells"

    target har a variable (HP) and is a member of the family "enemies"

    is it possible to make an event to look like this?:(> = event - = action)

    spells on collision with enemies -enemies subtract spells.DMG from enemies.HP

    cant find a way to make a specific family members variables to effect a variable on a specific member of a different family. Is this possible?

  • Worked perfect on my system! I want this!! :)

  • Will do :) thx again

  • Thank you!! Wish I had a complete list of functions, not many mentioned in the manual.

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  • I�ve come across a math problem with the xp in my game. I have two variables: XP and XP_MAX. When the players XP is equal or greater he gains a level and the XP is set to what was left after leveling. Now for the problem:

    when a level is gained the value for XP_MAX is increased like this: Self.XP_MAX * 1.2 Soon the value will get lots of decimals and I wonder if there is a way to round off that or some parameters to put in so the value can�t get into decimals?

    Will keep trying but would appreciate any input :)


  • sweet! thanx! I?ll look into it as soon as I have reinstalled windows764bit.. installed the Win 8 Preview but forgot all about dual-boot <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I�m working on my topdown rpg-style game and think it�s time to start tinkering with enemies, their movement and AI (somhing like: they patrol back and forth a certain path and if they "see" the player they go after him and start attacking)I haven�t done anything like this before (made some very simple stuff in GM8.1 last year, no AI or line of sight etc..)

    Was hoping someone could give me some starting tips and pointers to work from so I can learn it.


  • Solved it! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> Instead of using "animation finished" I set it to change the AT variable when the apell/attack animation reaches last frame. Thanks for your help.

  • I made a textbox that displays some status of variables every tick. While not moving and I press X (or C) twice the variable AT isn?t set back to 0 the second time.


    link to show you: game with status text

  • when the player is�nt moving (no movement key is down) and I press X twice he can�t move after that.

  • ok.. thanx, yes it was a simple sollution, guess I stared me blind on it :)


    hmm.. just tested the sollution capx you linked, problem is still there