Taximan's Forum Posts

  • The truth is I'm a bit tired of the fact that every time there are problems with admob, the solution is android studio.

    Start using C3 not to code, not to have to learn Android Studio.

  • I am also suffering from these errors, and all in android 12.

    Exception java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:

    at (

    at (

    at (

    at (

    at (

    at (

    at$ (

    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker (

    at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ (

    at (

  • I don't have any banner ad units, what I did was delete a lot of old ad units that I didn't use anymore. I don't know where I read that this could be a problem. But at the moment my account is still limited, I guess they only work during the week.

  • It's exactly the same message, I guess we'll have to wait. But it's frustrating not being able to contact anyone.

  • Today I received this email from admob:

    "We have recently identified signs of invalid activity in your AdMob account and have placed an ad serving limit on it. We will assess and update the limit as we continue to study your activity."

    In my games I only show interstitial ads when the player finishes a level, and recently (2 or 3 months) I put a button so you can watch a rewarded ad and receive 50 in-game coins.

    Any ideas?



  • The causes can be many, my admob warned me not long ago that the sdk I use is very old, and does not meet the latest requirements.

    I already put a topic on the subject, and if it is true, I have noticed a decrease in the number of impressions.

  • I'm not complaining about how it works, it's google.

    This is the message:

    "We have noticed that you have not implemented the Application Suite ID in your applications.

    Last July, Google Play announced changes to the advertising ID policy to strengthen security and privacy. Those modifications went into effect on April 1, 2022.

    The App Pool ID provides a privacy-friendly approach to correlating user usage and actions across a pool of apps owned by the same organization when the Advertising ID is not accessible. To help prevent and report fraud for users who choose not to provide the advertising ID, Google AdMob recommends using Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.5.0 or later that supports suite IDs. If you already use one of those versions, you don't have to do anything."

  • I use construct 3 because I have no programming knowledge. I don't understand why we are always so far behind in admob sdk, a lot of people monetize their games with ads.

  • I got a message from admob saying that I don't use "the app suite ID" and that I need to use Google Mobile Ads SDK version 20.5.0 or later that supports app suite IDs.

    But it also says "If you already use one of those versions, you don't have to do anything."

    I updated all my games a few weeks ago, but I don't know what version construct 3 uses.


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I use this page, and so far I have not had any problems.

  • Install the game from an apk to debug, it is possible that the problem is from the phone, this Monday they will leave me an android device to be able to test.

  • Thanks for the reply.

    So the problem would be in my phone, and not in the game?

    I have no idea of programming (that's why I use C3) and even less of Android studio.

    I'll try to follow your steps, and see if the error continues. Thanks.

  • Sorry for the lag, this is what android studio tells me, when I run the .apk to debug.

    "2022-03-24 01:31:13.761 8752-8831/com.dospastores.lucha A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 0x726566667592 in tid 8831 (Chrome_InProcGp), pid 8752 (spastores.lucha)"

    Then the game jumps to the android desktop.

  • This error started in the 286, I thought that in the 287 it would be solved, but it keeps happening. In the latest stable version I have no problem exporting.

    This is the message I get.


  • This is what I get. I do not understand any of this xd.