tavi's Forum Posts

  • The bug still persists.

  • I used the admob plugin by Frosty Elk (search for it). It works for me both with banners and fullscreen ads.

  • You can put all your sprite outside of your first layout (or the one you are using them in, if the game is bigger) and just destroy them all "at the start of the layout".

    You can use object families to remove them more conveniently. Say you have sprite that are explosions and other effects. Just put them into "FX" family and destroy that familty at the start of the layout.

  • I guess you can use timer that starts when music starts and at particular value of timer different events happen.

    Or cut song into pieces and create sprite at the beggining of these pieces.

    Otherwise I am not sure if that would be possible.

  • I would use global because as I understood that is the main game mechanic. Basically two main characters.

    Of course, if there are a dozen of characters with similar functions - instance variables are better.

  • Mcreator83 tomz365 Vegamon007 BouncyTrip

    I managed to find the way around the XDK orientation problem. I found the solution on StackOverflow.

    The plugin is called cordova-yoik-screenorientation and all you need to do is:

    Add it as a "third party plugin" in XDK.

    Add the following into your index.html head:




    ...you can change landscape to portrait if you want.

    The github link for plugin: https://github.com/gbenvenuti/cordova-p ... rientation

  • Arne

    i managed to get it to work! Through XDK. Now the problem is, my game stutters when the banner is "created".

    Like just stops for a second or two. That is extremely annoying. Is there a way to get around this?

  • It is very difficult to tell.

    1. I guess you should disable the 8directions for Otto, not stop it.

    2. Check if there are 8directions actions for the etoile ("on touch" etc)

    Personally I would not be disabling/enabling the behaviour. I would use a global.variable "switch" that would tell whom to move.

    On Touch -->

    if switch =1 --> move Otoo

    if switch = 0 --> move etoile

  • Just use actions for movement. Do not use player.X+2 (for instance use "simulate platform right")

    Don't make player solid. It shouldn't be.

    For player add behaviour "platform".

    There is also an example included in C2. Press "New" and scroll down to platform example. It already has everything set up.

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  • It is unclear how many players/weapons do you have on screen in any given time.

    But you can use different sprites for different weapons. And one variable for bullet type.

    And then check

    On click-->

    If Weapon1 is on screen -->

    if bullet = 1 --> create bullet1 at weapon1.x/weapon1.y

    if bullet = 2 --> create bullet2 at weapon1.x/weapon1.y

  • It is so much more efficient to use pure html5 for books.

    With C2 I am sure you will spend much more time looking for bugs related to incorrect scaling and object placing.

    Just create your book in html, add some animation with jquery and compile it with Phonegap Build into an apk.

  • I've been having the same problem but damn why should we pay 25 to fix a bug that shouldn't be there? I'm really pissed at how construct 2 works with everything you want to do there is something ells you got to get!

    I agree completely with this.

    Why it is even a problem?

  • Can anyone provide a noob step-by-step guide how can I implement ads with this in ios app?

    I added my ad codes, exported to cordova, compiled with phonegap cli and then xcode, the ads won't load.

    Should I add something to phonegap project xml or this is just for android? So frustrating...

  • Can anyone provide a noob step-by-step guide how can I implement full screen ads with this on ios app?

    I added my ad codes, exported to cordova, compiled with phonegap cli and then xcode, but it shows "admob not ready" when I launch .ipa on my phone. Should I add something to phonegap project xml?

  • gleegum

    The same for me. Can't really integrate the ads.

    Guys here tend to ignore the ios problems... that is a shame.