tarek2's Forum Posts

  • 99Instances2Go

    your capx is not really working like it should without the Each, at last here on my pc?? I didn't get what you mean about the (For each) problem

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  • The animations you don't really need them it was more to give more juice to the example

    Anyway, The spawner it should be animation Speed 0 my mistake I did it quickly and I forgot to change that I didn't think you will keep the animations Frames lol

    Corrected Capx :


  • ismailsawan

    [And I have one more question I make sprite swap object have bullet behavior .... I want this object to stop on mouse crosshere not to going out the screen]

    I'm not sure if I understand

    I suppose that on (mouse crosshere) means that on mouse click object >> Stop object

    Mouse: >> On (Right or Left) clicked "object"

    ACTION: "object " set bullet Enable:>> to Disable

    you can always make a quick drawing picture explaining what you trying to do maybe will be easier for you, with steps 1, 2 etc....

  • ismailsawan

    Jejeje great that you fixed it because I have to admit that I'm completely lost with this post, my head is going like Meeeeh!! in the good way of course

    On start of layout: Is a trigger that is (Triggered or Fires) when the layout begins. Meaning that it Only happens once and it happens always at the start of the game.

    What are Triggers??

    This indicates that the event is triggered. Rather than running once per tick, this event simply runs (or "fires") upon something actually happening. In this case, the event runs when the layout starts. It is never checked any other time. Since triggers run upon an event happening, they aren't checked in top-to-bottom order like other events. This means the ordering of triggers relative to other events is not important (except relative to other triggers of the same type, since triggers still fire top-to-bottom).

    Normally you recognize the triggers by the green arrow and the most of them if not all start by (On)

    Example: On collision, On Jump, On Created, On Destroyed etc....... those are all triggers that run once every time the condition is met.

    Every Thick: is A condition which is always true Any Action you add here it will be updated 1 per thick which is = 60 times a second in most of the Pc, Meaning that is for actions that you need to update continuously none stop,

    You can test it out by yourself really quick all of this, you see this capx we wanna make the car1 follow the car2 continuously and we make this by setting the angle from car1 to car2, but once you run it the first time you will notice that it will not follow the car2 because the set angle action only triggers once and it will happen only once this will only work if the car2 will be not moving, but the car2 its constantly moving so the set angle it will have to keep updating every thick to keep track of the car2 angle, so this will only work if you use the (Every thick)

    So now move the Action from the (Start Of Layout) to the (Every Thick) and you will see that now is working great because the angles are keeping updating every thick, I hope it makes sense for you if not you can ask.


    You should check the tutorials (system-conditions) and (How Events Work) to have a better view.

  • Tarek2 great thanks to you

    I do that but I want do something else I want to follow in movement for the first sprite

    I.x ( the first sprite have movement rotation and I want the second sprite to follow this movement ).

    Im not really sure I understand you properly, it sounds like you want to imitate the other sprite movements, if so 99InstancesGo had a really nice example in this post

    If is not the one that you are looking for can you explain more what are you trying to accomplish or a capx will be more helpful

  • Hi everyone

    I have two sprite I want when one of them collision with other ... Follow this sprite in all of motion angels speed ... the contiur & pin behavior didn't do what I want .... how can I do that.

    Thanks .

    Sprite1>> On collision with >> Sprite2 :

    Action: Sprite1 >> set angle to Angle(sprite1.x, sprite1.y, sprite2.x, sprite2.y)

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8nvme756ejhwm1p/Follow.capx?dl=0

  • tarek2

    > you say "still could not solve it."


    Sry 4 my bad English

    I meant that I could not solve it until you helped me. Not "still"

    And You right that many bright minds are here! One of them belongs to you

    ~tnks bro

    jeje Lol, that sounds a lot better I thought that you gave up as you couldn't find the right solution, I'm glad that you resolve the problem then.

    Haa I'm just a beginner learning new things every day but Thank you for the compliments thogh

    Take care

  • + 5

  • S1mon

    Try this >> Two events Only but Double objects


  • S1mon

    Yw sir, I'm glad to help

    you say "still could not solve it." If you explain in more detail and exactly what you tried to accomplish with this Perhaps some else can give you the right solution, starting with how many limits of Events you have to do this Task. Trust me will be more helpful if some one else tries to resolve the problem, there are many Good brains around here you never know they could come up with the solution but you have to be more specific.

    Take care Bro

  • tarek2

    Man it's looking very pretty cool!!! Thanks you!

    Sorry for some my impudence... But... It's posiible do to that without families?


    No problem man

    Without Family is not that simple and has to be done in more steps, This the only way I could think of now


    Edit: I just saw that SoldjahBoy may have a better solution

  • Xh3maa

    I had the same problem in the past, for a long time I couldn't find the solution, over 4 months researching and testing and error until I found one way that works for me at the moments.

    once you draw your art use this script for Illustrator to save the PNG:


    Like they recommended the colleagues above size the art on Illustrator to the size you gonna use on C2

    on the exporting time: scale the art, they will give you one option there before you export it with the script, the best results I got was with 150% scale

    or just keep playing with the scale until you find a good and clear PNG

    I hope it helps

  • I was wondering for a long time the same thing, I hope some one can give us some light on this