tarek2's Forum Posts

  • dwtiger

    I had a capx with a pretty basic set up of health bar if wanna have a look


  • In the for each section, do i put the enemy as the object for the loop? (And thanks for the help.)

    yes the ones you want to destroy

  • dwtiger

    Have you tried

    Enemy >> Health Bar >> is Less Or Equal to >>0

    Sub Event>>For Each>> Enemy >>>Destroy

    That it should apply only to the Enemies that have health = 0 or less

    You will find the " For Each" in the System >> For each>> Then choose your enemy

    Note: you do not need the Nearest condition

  • R0J0hound

    Thank you

  • R0J0hound

    Would you mind to reupload the capx, Thanks

    Another question, is there any way to do the same thing with just one object? like jelly deform a single object

  • ismailsawan

    No problem man, anytime

  • Yw Sir, glad that you sorted out

  • Haha Yeah I don't know what I was thinking I was so tired sorry, try this one I hope is the correct one


    I forgot to mention something, in your capx on event 4 you have a >>>"trigger once" you don't need it because the top event >> the "on tap object" is already a trigger and it runs only once, you see the green arrow next to the "on tap object" That is the sign for the triggers that they run once only, so whenever you see the green arrow next to the condition you don't need to put the extra trigger once

  • Nice one R0J0hound

    Runs really smooth


  • maybe something like this?


  • Thank you, sir, I'm glad you like it

    yea I created from scratch I didn't have much time to do it that's why I did it pretty basic so you can follow easily how it was done and from there improve it on the top of it with your ideas, I didn't want to make it to complicated other ways you will find hard to follow it. I tried to simplify it as much as I can.

    is true I had the problem with driving in pairs and to avoid that I came up with the idea with the Speed boost but you have to activate the group "Extras Only " did you try that? it is not active by default, it improves the driving on pairs a little bit not much, but much better than when they are all driving at the exact speed. I tried many different things to avoid the driving on pairs but the problem I saw at the end is that are many stops in very short roads and doesn't matter how I put one car faster and the other slower they will catch up again in the stops because the faster one comes back from behind and has to wait and drive at the same speed of the slower one that's in front of him blocking him.

    I will give it another go when I have time and will see how can it be improved, does the map has to be exactly that way or can it be changed?? what is your goal for this game ?? the more info you can give me the better to take it into account for the logic, you need it slow or fast driving game?

  • artheads

    I did this for another guy while ago, is not perfect but can give you some ideas


  • Hi

    I give it a quick go to try and this is my results, I'm not sure if this is what you looking for and I'm sure is not the best but it might help you to give some ideas.

    Note I didn't have much time to test it as I done it quick, so test it properly because you may find some bugs if you need help let me know I will have a look.

    you can customize it a lot more and improve it if you know how.

    (The Middle roads = Horizontal) cars have a preference which is the Right like you asked

    For fast Driving and Animation Change Variety >>>>>>>activate the group >>Extras

    Capx: https://www.dropbox.com/s/sgrr2of0okr2s9e/GTA%20San%20Andreas%20Light%20%29.capx?dl=0

  • 99Instances2Go

    Nice one!!

    I see what you mean now, you are totally right that's the most efficient and elegant way of doing it, I keep forgetting that the "for each" picks all the instances and it should be after the picking, I will keep it in mind for the future

    Thanks a lot for the reminder and the Tips

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  • What did i miss ? (not the first and not the last time that i did something wrong)


    I meant for this >>(Personal, i am not that happy with that 'for each'.)

    If I understood properly you said that you have a problem with the "for each" right? so because I'm not a Pro I'm just a beginner and I may have done something wrong so I would like to correct it if possible, every day we learn better ways to do things in it, that is the fun part.

    so I look up in your capx to learn the correct way of doing it without the "for each", but I see like the spawners don't spawn individually when the player is on the range. maybe I'm wrong but shouldn't each spawner spawn once when the player is in range, basically what the op was asking if I'm not mistaking please correct me if I'm wrong