tarek2's Forum Posts

  • I think the scale rate only affects the system set scale actions, not the scaling from fullscreen scaling mode. So I was thinking just turn fullscreen scaling off completely for the logo page, but then I don't think that works at all on mobile.

    Hoh, I think you are right, I might misunderstood the manual as I thought all the scales are included but yeah it looks like only affects the system Scale.

    Thanks, good catch

    turn fullscreen scaling off completely for the logo page

    I don't think we can do that independently in one layout is in it? It's more like you turn that setting for the whole project or On but I never saw that setting individually per layout but I haven't used C3 much so maybe I missed it.

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  • Isn't that still weird though since the manual entry for storyboard splash icons indicates that the image would be cropped and centered, not scaled? So the image shouldn't change sizes, even if the viewport size/resolution changes. At most it would be shifted a bit.

    Or perhaps it is the "fake" splash screen image that shouldn't be scaled. Have you tried that and see if it matches?

    Exactly that's whats I thought and I've been trying to do that but doesn't matter what I do they never match.

    I tried also to not scale the Logo PNG on the layout by setting it to ( 0% Scale rate for the layer where the logo is placed) but nothing helps despite that the two PNGs are the exact same size.

    They must use different Calculations for setting the Splash Screen size because by logyc if we use the same picture PNG on both sides without scaling then it should match but maybe as fredriksthlm mentioned is that when the splash screen shows up the status bar is still active at the top so the Screen size its smaller and that may be the one causing the different sizes for the splash screen I guess but honestly, I have no clue what's happening. It looks like it's a simple thing that should work out of the box, very weird.

  • i think this is quite tricky to achieve, the cordova splashscreen activity is started with the navigation bar loaded, so the "resolution" for the rest is not the same as when your actual projects is loaded afterwards.

    If you would create an app with navigation bar and status bar always shown it would be easy since then it would be the same.

    I can also give you a hint that regardess of the size you have on your splash it will be exported as a centered 1920x1920

    Many Thanks fredriksthlm

    Sadly it's not easy, I was hoping that maybe Ashley can give some mathematical calculations to set the logo in the layout to the same size of the Splash Screen or make an extra setting to scale the Splash Screen to the Project Settings (Viewport Size + Full-screen Mode) so it sets the size the same as if it were placed in any layout.

    The easiest is to use the custom loader layout which is the one I have been using till now but is not supported.

    I tried to play with all the sizes that they mentioned and more But no luck:

    The best thing is to have the splash totally different than the game, or if you have a "lightweight" project you can remove the splashcsreen plugin totally and let the app load directly into the project.

    It looks like the best thing, for now, is to disable the Splash Screen and make the Logo on the first Layout until better solutions come out in the future, this will create the black screen for a few seconds in the beginning but at least it will work consistently across (iOS & Android) so it will behave the same in all the platforms. Though I have to test it first as it is heavy loading (Arrays + Art) 50+ MB and it will be updated with more content in the future.

    if you turn off the splash fading, change the splash image into the same image as the logo, amend the theme to go fullscreen and disable the actionbar, then the difference will be really small but you will always see a slight "glitch" when it changes into the actual project.

    I haven't seen any settings for Splash Fading?

    Thanks again for the help

  • I take it as it's not possible to debug the size of the Arrays in the Memory to fix my crashing issues due to the Arrays being big. I will have to keep guessing instead (:

  • Hi,

    I have:

    -Viewport Size 720x1080 with scale outer

    -One "Splash Screen icon" 720x1080

    -Then the same "Splash Screen" 720x1080 as sprite PNG in a "Layout Logo"

    So the idea was that first, it shows the splash screen icon and then when it moves to the logo layout which has the same exact logo as PNG, you will not notice that you switched from "Splash Screen" to "Layout Logo" as they have the exact same pictures and sizes. But the problem is that the splash screen shows the logo smaller so when it goes to the "layout Logo" you notice the switch as the logo gets bigger.

    Is there any way to set the "Splash Screen" icon size to the size that you would normally get if you would have placed that png on any layout?


    vice-versa how can I set the size of the Logo PNG that I use in the "Layout Logo" to match the size that the "Splash Screen" displays it

    Any of those will work for me

    I tested many things like making the PNGs bigger 2048x2048 but didn't help

    I also tried making the layer scale rate = 0% but it didn't help

    This is for mobiles as I cannot use the custom "loader layout" as it's not supported on mobiles or NWjs and I'm also currently testing in a Samsung Galaxy S8

    Here is a video showing the issue:

    The first smaller logo you see is the Splash screen and the second one is one in the layout

    I think you need to download the video to see it properly as it doesn't display it correctly dropbox


    Here is the project


  • Also will be nice to have some kind of Construct expression that gives the percentage while it's loading any Arrays so we can add some loading screen showing percentage as we do with the "loadingprogress" at the start of the Game which gives a value between (0 To 1) as sometimes takes several seconds to load each Array if they are big. This way at least we can show the loading progress for feedback instead of nothing.

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to debug the RAM usage for the Arrays that I use in my game as they are quite big in size, around (14mb+)Compressed Each. But Construct shows Ram usage just for images.

    Is there any way to know how much Ram uses an Array?

    I try to use Chrome "Task Manager" but it gives a few different values like (Memory FootPrint & JavaScript Memory) and not sure if any of those are the ones that I should look for or if they are any accurate.

    Thank you

    These are some of the pictures from Chrome TaskManger:

    Empty Project but No Json Loade yet:

    Empty Project + 1 JSON Loaded of 14mb size

    Empty Project + 2 JSON Loaded of 14mb size each

    Empty Project + 3 JSON Loaded of 14mb size each


  • tarek2, that's amazing! You've done in few minutes what I was trying to do last two days. Thanks a lot!

    No problem, I'm glad it was helpful)

    Good luck

  • Ah, my mistake. I wasn't clear enough. I'm not trying to repeat the same object many times. I would like to know how to create a sprite that will mimic obstacles' shapes like a dotted circle here youtube.com/watch

    Ho, I see,

    Interesting mechanics I have never seen before.

    To be honest I will keep it simple as it will be very easy to hurt performance if you are not very careful as you have many balls to check on.

    I quick and simple idea that comes to my mind will be something like this:



    You can keep updating and tweaking to your needs, this is just a quick demonstration.


    1-You would want to keep the shapes simples (Squares, Rectangles, Circles, triangles) shape that you can easily adjust the collisions points.

    But if you need more advance then kyatrics idea will be better to detect the collisions.

    2-Donot spawn too many balls so you can keep performance nicely.

    3-On this demo the obstacles are already placed on the layout as I wanted to make a quick concept but what you would want to do is like flappy birds style that keeps spawning the obstacles on the fly, this way you will keep the object count at the minimum, so set a set of obstacles to be spawn on the runtime and then just choose randomly.

  • Not sure which one you need to repeat but if:

    1-You need to create an identical object just use the system create object >>>> your object

    2-If you need to constantly repeat the same object use "Tiled Backgrounds"

  • Hi,

    I had a few ideas that could be cool to add:


    Could be an added feature to right-click on the Top Root folder and choose "Remove any Subfolders" but keep the Animations of course, because for some Animations you don't need that many folders.

    Its something like Ungroup Layers from Photoshop that removes the folders


    You Have This:

    And you want to convert it to this by Right-Click Colors Folder and choose remove subfolders:

    But this is not that important so is ok if it doesn't get added.



    One cool feature that will be nice:

    Is that you can Drop a (Zip or File) in the (Layout or Project) and it will create all the separate Objects with their Names like when you Drop file through the Animation editor that it creates the Animation but instead it will create whole Objects + Animations.

    This could be a nice time saver as you just drop the Zip on the editor and it will create all the objects with the right names and Animation names, so you don't have to go manually on each object to update the Animation, you will see the benefit for this when you have to update Animation for like 50+ Objects for example.

    Though one feature that it will need to work nicely is that If you Drop the (Zip or File) in the Layout:

    1-If the object to create already exist then just Update his Animation example:

    -If the Animation already exist then just replace the frames with the new ones


    2-Else if the object doesn't exist then create the Object and add the Animation from that zip

    And it follows similar rules as to when you import a file inside the Animation Editor:

    -The Root Top Folder = (Zip of file) Name

    ">>>>>"Then the Subfolders Names = New Objects To Create

    ">>>>>>>>>>>>"Any Subfolder inside those folders = Animation to create for those objects

    This is how it will look like a Zip to import:

    So here on this case, I drop on the layout a Zip named colors and this is what happens:

    It creates 4 objects






    And any subfolders of those folders is their Animations













  • DiegoM

    That would be fantastic if you could add the option to choose between different sorting modes Thank you

    Thanks for the Tips too

  • I'm still looking for solutions if anyone has any ideas.

    I tried looking at all the config on the server but I don't see anything related to this and Google doesn't help much as there is no much info on this topic.

  • This is Awesome!! what a great addition Thank you

    It already saved me a lot of hours of manual importing

    There is just one big issue for me:

    is not consistent with the ordering of the frames as I need to maintain the order for some Animations


    If I want to import this folder that I have on my PC, this is how it looks like:

    is ordered nicely


    So If I import it like normal by

    Right-click in the frames window >>>> Import from file >>>> select all the frames

    Then it will import them correctly ordered


    But if I use the new system by Drop a file on the Animation editor it will mess up all the order of the frames so they no longer follow the order I had on my PC folder.

    Like this


    Is there any way that I can change the order settings to be consistent?

  • I haven't tried it out, but I am wondering what is that base64 encoded data?

    I tried looking at the json on on it's own in Notepad++ and it struggled to show anything. Taking several seconds to open the file and then scrolling through it as sluggishly as you could possibly scroll.

    I am thinking the data is an image because 16 megabytes of raw text would be a lot of text.

    I know it is tempting to just cram an image in text format in a json file and then just load the json. But in this case maybe it is better to hold an identifier in the json and then use that to load the image through the browser's normal methods.

    Thanks, Diego no worries, just making sure that it doesn't get lost on the forum

    Yes that's an Array encoded to base64 then is saved into another Array as it is, basically, one big normal Array that holds in each X index an Array encoded in base64

    Yes you're right it's quite a lot of data as it was the only way to make this game, there wasn't any other alternative, it needs all that data to make it work.

    Is not an image lol its insane amount of data I know haha but there is no images or anything like that, it is just pure Data that is needed to run the game, it is one of those games that it wasn't meant to be done in construct I realize after but I'm quite happy with the results as all the hard part it's done already, basically the whole game it's done and I'm just finishing the UI which is the last few things left.

    Though once the ajax is loaded it runs very smooth no problems at all, also when it manages to load the JSON it loads quite fast there is no problem either.

    Also, my original JSON file is 16MB only so I had to increase it for this BUG demo to 28MB to make sure you can reproduce it easier.

    Thanks for your help I really appreciate it