taqeelaSunrise's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • I'm having trouble getting 8-directional movement to work when the display angle changes. As the display angles change, the axis still remain the same. Therefore when display angle is shifted 90 degrees, and when down is pressed, the sprite moves right. I want it to move down.

    I've tried my luck at making an event. I set the event to: when button down set sprite angle to a particular direction and then move in that direction. That seemed to have worked. But I don't want to use that since it lacks the flexibility and realism of the 8-directional movement and to top it off, when moving diagonally, the player doesn't look at the diagonal direction. It just looks down.

    Anyway to get this to work?

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  • I made some progress on my own... This modified version of that other .cap file kinda depicts the control scheme I'm looking for. Still need to get that view to look up front a bit... and of course mouse control.

    In case you wanna take a look:


  • Well.. I'm not sure what the exact term for this is.. so if anyone knows, please do share.

    What it does is --> If you make top down sprites in layers and arrange them at a particular distance from each other they look 3D no matter what angle is used(Given that the cam angle doesn't change in terms of depth). (Sorry to mention another piece of software but) This should help in understanding what I mean:


    Over there hard code was used to make it display like that. Anything of the same type for Construct? Either code or event based... really doesn't matter. Something to constantly keep the distance between the layers of sprites no matter what angle is used(So yeah.. Some code or some event is needn't).

    Really would help create amazing looking games along with the 3D Objects and boxes.

  • Also if possible..

    How can I get the character to center more towards the bottom of the screen rather than the center. Tried making an event with scroll to --> eg: Y - 140 but that also leaves the player towards the bottom when moving in the opposite direction. In other words(Keeping in mind the rotate world event in ON): I can see up front but when I turn back I can't see anything as the player is now centered towards the top of the screen. Want the cam to automatically place a center again where the player is towards the bottom again when he turns back.

    Not only when turning back when facing the sides aswell.... So better explanation would be --> Making the center always a few click ahead of where the player is facing.

    Sorry for all the trouble :(

  • Sure, here's a cap example <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> dl.dropbox.com/u/4714446/RotateWorld.cap

    Thanks for the .cap file :)

    Rotation works really well now, but my player moves like a car with the car behavior. :P

    I wanted the rotation to work with the mouse rather than the directional keys and wanted the keys to be used for movement and strafing.

    I tried messing around with the events a bit but none of my options worked. The mouse just kept going crazy on me.

  • In Construct Classic you can tick the Attribute "Center View On Me" on the object you want the screen to follow. That's in the properties box (left) in the layout editor and may be under Groups <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Alright that did the trick. But there's one more thing I wanted it to do. Thought this would solve it but guess my logic was wrong.

    So, This helped me follow the player, but is there something to rotate the player to my mouse coordinates along with my cam?

    Not the "Always set angle to MouseX, MouseY" --> This rotates the player and keeps the cam stationary.

    I wanted my cam to also face the mouse coordinates... as well as the player.

    Like rotating the cam --> As if the player was parented to the cam and we're just rotating the cam..

  • You can edit the shadow caster mask for the sprite I believe in its behavior properties, but you may find more exact help in the scirra.com/forum/forum26.html section for Construct Classic <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Oh.. Okay.. Didn't know there was a forum for Classic...

    Thanks... what you said helped.

    I'll carry this forward to the Classic Forums :)

    Sorry for posting in the wrong place. :P

  • I know that in Construct 2 there's a way to make the Camera Scroll to the player. The same technique does not apple to Classic. How can I get my cam to follow the player?

  • Hi there. I was just fooling around in Construct Classic with the lights and shadow caster behaviors. I've noticed... Even though my sprite has alpha around it to make it blend into the scene, the shadow it casts is a square. Anyway to cast the shadow in the shape of the sprite itself? Please tell me this is possible :(

  • 9 posts