tanoshimi's Forum Posts

  • I'm not quite sure which bit you're stuck on... to implement the camera "box", you want an invisible sprite that's either pinned to the player or has its own logic/movement functions depending on how you want to control lag/lookahead etc.

    Then to actually move the camera, use the system Scroll To action.

  • Please post your .capx

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  • Without a .capx, it's pretty hard to tell, but here's some comments based on the screenshot...

    • why do you have the "For each enemy" in there - it seems unneccessary.
    • is the "on pathfinding path found" ever getting triggered? (Make the action associated with that event do something obvious - play a sound, update a textbox etc.)
    • Is the route failing to be calculated? (Add an "on failed to find path" event)
    • Do your room sprites fill the entire room? If so, the player is "colliding" with them the whole time they are in the room, and your "find path" event is getting triggered on every frame. There's never a chance for the enemy to follow the path if it's always getting recalculated...
  • Love the style - very nice.

  • Status notifications are handled at the OS level, so it won't be a feature accessible directly from within Construct - it'll have to be exposed through whatever wrapper service you're using to run it on Android.

    e.g. CocoonJS has a notifications extension: wiki.ludei.com/cocoonjs:extensions:notification

    Similarly, PhoneGap has a notification plugin at: github.com/phonegap/phonegap-plugins

    However, I'm not aware of an easy way to expose either of these to your code.

  • Rex - Thankyou for sharing your fuzzy logic plugin - I'll be sure to give it a try.

    I realise Fuzzy logic does not involve random function, but can still be used to model uncertainty. For example, suppose you had two bottles of liquid:

    • The liquid in Bottle A has a 90% chance of being drinkable. (probability)
    • The liquid in Bottle B has a 0.9 degree of membership of the set of drinkable liquids. (fuzzy)

    Which would you drink? :)

  • Not sure if it's related or not, but I find that C2 frequently (as in, more often than not, but not every time) crashes on Windows 8 64bit if I leave the computer for a while so that it returns to the lock screen, and then return to it. Upon unlocking the computer, I find C2 has crashed.

    Again, my C2 and graphics card is up to date, yada yada, and the error message gives no more information. I've never had it crash following a period of constant use - I just need always to remember to save before leaving the computer for 5 minutes...

  • Rex - very interesting, thanks. I've always implemented FSM behaviour directly through the event sheet, although I see your method has the potential to be slightly tidier, particularly with respect to the OnExit/OnEnter triggers.

    If you'd be willing to share your fuzzy logic plugin I'd be very interested to see it. I've never really seen the point of fuzzy logic - I find you can achieve better results from modelling uncertainty using probabilistic methods.

    Maybe I'll have a go at porting my ANN to a plugin and see whether it's usable or not!

  • Wastrel - I see in the first post of this thread that, like me, you're interested in A.I. Did either of your FSM or behaviour tree plugins mentioned there ever come to fruition? I'd be interested to know what functionality your FSM behaviour provides that differs from, say, using an instance variable to record an object's current state, and a set of conditional events to handle transitions to other states.

    I have my own existing Javascript implementations of Genetic Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks that I'm considering wrapping into plugins. The problem is that, in order to be useful, they both require a reasonable amount of scenario-specific customisation that is easier to achieve at the code level rather than via C2's GUI. I'm therefore dubious of the value of providing them as plugins, since it would only really be useful to people who were happy to dabble with the code....

  • Yes, it works (tested on Android 4.0.4 on Sony Xperia S)

  • Silly perhaps, but I think you might be onto something - I suspect the answer might well lie in some black magic trickery such as this :)

  • level1sb - no need to be intimidated! OneGameAMonth is not a competition, you won't be judged. It's basically a motivational initiative to encourage developers who always get halfway through a game and then never get round to finishing it (like me) to actually see a project (or twelve) through to completion during 2013.

    The setting of monthly deadlines for each game gives you a push and makes you feel that you're part of a community striving to meet a deadline (try #1GAM on twitter) - nothing bad happens if you don't make it! If you're already strongly motivated and disciplined you may have no need for it, but I personally found that it really encouraged me: "Make games. Not excuses"

  • Thankyou both for the suggestions.

    RamPackWobble - yes, I had attempted something like that, although per-sprite sine behaviour on 60 individual sprites seems very expensive, and also I couldn't work out how to "fill" below the line. Any ideas?

    Tommyttk - I'll give lens shader a try and see how I get on - will post back here if I get anywhere!

  • Good job, and you might be interested to check out onegameamonth.com

  • Search the forums for a "gesture" plugin