SyndiPlay's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Wow thank you very much! I tried it and it returns "None" , I experimented a bit and i tried this : Array.At(0,Array.CurY) It now returns "Earth" , Thank you very much!!!

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  • Hello guys, very easy question for ya all, Im running a Array For Each XY loop here's my buggy code:

    + System: On signal "chestclose"

    ----+ Array: For each XY element

    --------+ Array: Current value = Parentname

    ---------> Text2: Set text to Array.CurValue

    ---------> System: Stop loop

    What i want is If the array current value = parent name , then get that parent name's X and return that column's O index this is my table :

    fire none 3

    water none 3

    grass none 3

    earth grasswater 6

    cloud waterfire 6

    smoke grassfire 6

    For example if the parent is grasswater, then it should return earth etc.

    This is easy for you guys, I know it hehe


  • Use Tween , Tween position

  • Create a variable called direction.

    1. Create a direction first. If the player swipe right , the direction will be right ,same with left , up , down etc.

    2. For every tick - create a sub event and add these logic:

    if direction is right - simulate control right

    if direction is left - simulate control left

    You get the point

  • This is my logic for it


    - Add a instance variable in bullet called bounced (Boolean)


    - Bullet Hits the wall and is not bounced

    - Set bounced to true

    - Set the bullet speed to low 10

    - Bounce the bullet

    - Set the gravity high

    - Add some Torque

  • OBS Studio. Open source , very snappy and good to use

  • Check the tile collisions.

    Go to the editor and show the collision polygon.

    If you are using tileset, check also the tile collisions

    Other than that , I think the problem is the collision box in your sprite


    So im creating a 2D Rabbit Ranch and one of the key components is the ai random hopping system.

    I already created a solution where, it has Drag and Drop behavior and has a Timeline editor. that timeline editor is responsible for jumping and the position of the rabbit.

    The problem is I can only apply it to one rabbit object, I need it to apply to all of my animals group.

    Thanks , I appreciate your solutions

  • 8 posts