sylva1n's Forum Posts

  • According to this :

    It seems to be a PhoneGapBuild bug... Nobody else uses a landscape splash screen??

  • Hi all,

    I have a problem submitting my iOS app compiled with PhoneGap. My app is landscape only and I want to add custom splash screen. According to PhoneGap documentation, I added those lines in my config.xml:

    <!-- iPhone and iPod touch -->

    <splash src="Default.png" platform="ios" width="320" height="480" />

    <splash src="Default@2x.png" platform="ios" width="640" height="960" />

    <!-- iPhone 5 / iPod Touch (5th Generation) -->

    <splash src="Default-568h@2x.png" platform="ios" width="640" height="1136" />

    <!-- iPad -->

    <splash src="Default-Portrait.png" platform="ios" width="768" height="1024" />

    <splash src="Default-Landscape.png" platform="ios" width="1024" height="768" />

    <!-- Retina iPad -->

    <splash src="Default-Portrait@2x.png" platform="ios" width="1536" height="2048" />

    <splash src="Default-Landscape@2x.png" platform="ios" width="2048" height="1536" />

    On all devices tested (iPhone 4S, iPhone 5S, iPad non retina and iPad Retina), my custom splash screen is displayed correctly.

    But when submitting my app, I get this error:

    ERROR ITMS-90096: "Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 - New iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5 and must include a launch image referenced in the Info.plist under UILaunchImages with a UILaunchImageSize value set to {320, 568}." ....

    I guess it is because my is in fact a landscape picture (1136x640), when Apple waits for a portait picture.

    So I changed my picture to 640x1136 picture, submitting is OK, but the splash screen displayed is not OK: it is automatically rotated and stretched...

    Please have a look on the 3 pictures below. The first one is the image included in my app (640x1136), the second one is what I would like to see on my iPhone and the third one is what is displayed :

    I tried to add a 2nd splash for iPhone 5 with landscape orientation, but PhoneGap does not include this picture in the ipa file.

    <splash src="Default-landscape-568h@2x.png" platform="ios" width="1136" height="640" />

    Does somebody face the same problem? Do you have a solution?


  • Hi Heska,

    I saw your private message about my game Yap, but unfortunately I'm not yet allowed to send private messages.

    To answer your question: I have only one project for all resolutions on iOS (iPhone 4, iPhone 5, iPads) and Android. My project settings are:

    • Window Size: 960x640
    • Fullscreen in browser: Scale outer
    • Fullscreen scaling: High quality.

    Hope this helps.


  • Thanks Naji!

  • Hi all,

    My game Yap is now completed, with 72 levels! It's a free platform game built with C2 with in app purchase, Game Center (iOS) and Google Play Games (Android).

    iOS version is wrapped with Ejecta, Android version is wrapped with CocoonJS.

    Please visit

    Have fun!


  • GoGugutiGames: you're welcome

  • Ashley: I just switched Enable WebGL to Off in my project properties: memory usage is OK now! And switching layout time is excellent! All good!!

  • iceangel: thanks!

  • : you're right --> iPhone 4S. If ever this memory management is integrated in the master branch of next Ejecta releases, my game is dead

  • Ashley: usage on the flat parts is while running the layout (=playing the game). Spikes is when switching to another layout. The problem with those big spikes is that my app receives memory warning... and sometimes iOS decides to close the app...

  • Ok, I found the issue: in "function EjectaStore()", "this.restorePurchases()" is called. This is why iTunes password is asked at startup.

    I commented this line of code, my app and purchase still work.

    Can someone say if this line was really necessary? (in my case, all purchases are consumable and thus not restorable)


  • Ashley: Yes, I'm sure I made a fair comparison. Please have a look at this 2 screenshots :

    The first one with Ejecta 1.5 without memory management:

    The second one with memory management:

    Memory reaches 200 Mb at each layout change and my app often receives a memory warning.

  • Yap is a free platform game built with C2 with in app purchase and game center integration (iOS only). iOS version is wrapped with Ejecta. Android version is wrapped with CocoonJS.

    I'm not allowed to include URLs in my post...

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  • Hi,

    What kind of error?

    Did you tried this: "for some reason, the package.appxmanifest file for Windows Phone doesn't update when you create a test certificate for the Windows package.appxmanifest file. This will throw up an error when you try to test the Windows Phone build. The workaround is to edit both package.appxmanifest files and copy across the 'Publisher' attribute from the 'Identity' tag."

  • Hi all,

    My app has just been validated by Apple, but something is very annoying: my app is asking iTunes password every time it starts...

    I use IAP plugin. Add product ID and Request Store Listing actions are done at start of a layout that is not the first one. My app is packaged with Ejecta 1.4.

    Any idea?
