Sykarion's Forum Posts

  • 3 posts
  • fisholith

    Hey! Thanks for replying, I'm getting a picture of how this would work. I would have to change some events as to how my sprites currently attack when they reach the enemies. But i like this idea. I'll fiddle around with it and see if i can get it to work. Currently my methods of getting the units to attack each other isn't that great.. (unit collision and sprite overlap) Do you have a better idea of how i should get my sprites to fight each other? Every unit I spawn are currently set as platform behaviours. Is this the right way I should be going about it?

  • Sorry i couldn't think of an appropriate title to match what I need help with.

    Basically, I'm making a game similar to "Cartoon Wars 2"

    The image above displays what I am trying to achieve for my game. I want the units spawned to be on different platforms(or whatever is happening there) when there are multiple units spawned relatively close to each other. This way the units don't overlap entirely to give some depth to the battlefield.

    How would I do this? I already have the ground as a solid, and my ai's walking. I just have no clue as to how I'm supposed to get the units to appear on the field like they do in the picture above.

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  • Can't believe its happening to this site.

    Where are the mods?

  • 3 posts