Swivels's Forum Posts

  • When 2 objects does a collision/overlapping i get this mess in my screen, however, i add physics a the 2 objects and don't get the solution

  • As I do so that the backgrounds or maps of the game look good and not so bad colored (I am using illustrator but I do not manage to give a good look to the funds), for example backgrounds with rocks, mountains water, sunset, forests, etc.

    If the question is not going to please me on dodne and I will place it where it should be.

  • You need to be registered in admob, add admob in construtc 2, then in admob you create a project to give you a code which you will have to copy and paste in construt 2 before compiling by clicking on the icon of admob,

      When you are in the intel XDK add the admob plugin as third party and add this: cordova-plugin-ad-admob

                 Version 1.0.112

  • thank you

  • thank you

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  • How can i use the my phone's motion sensor (accelerometer) to move a sprite?

  • this was my solution, But now I need that when an object collides with "Partition", a certain amount of them is eliminated within the range of collision.

    Thank u 4 help and teach me about the picture

  • Do it with array "push front Tabique1.UID on X axis",

    But I need now that when an object collides with "Partition", a certain amount of them is eliminated within the collision range.

    Teach me to upload pictures in comments please

    Teach me to upload pictures in comments please

    Teach me to upload pictures in comments please

  • Ok no problem I need to create those sprite (is the same) in the X axis every second, each sprite when creating will be next to the other (followed), when I use system I can only create it in random or in a position but not in the X axis one Next to the other.

    Can you teach me how to put pictures in the posts to facilitate future questions?

  • Thanks but i found the solution using arrays (i'm learn yet), well, the other problem is that i need create all objetives (is the same sprite) in one second and then delete them ( but the part of deleting have solution now), if i use system for create is correct but i can't create one a one on X or Y (when create the firts one need to the other create next to the first .In another post in the same game i used global variables for buy a sprite but don't work. How i can found a solution for the 2 problems?

  • How i can remove a same sprite several times, for example I have a wall of partitions which is a same sprite and I want to touch each partition can remove it, there are 100 partitions in total (10x10), no arrays, someone can put me a Example or give me the guide for something similar?

    I need create 100 sprites?

  • how i can change the sprite and save this sprite when start again the game, for example, if i'm buy a sprite, but the game are in one layer and the sprit's are in other layer, i used variables the firts time but don't save that i buying, when i use webstorage only i can use one sprite of 4.

  • hi, how i can do when i selected and buying a sprite in the store (in my game) and this sprite can show in another layout, for example, i've the principal sprite (a monkey) and am bought a sprite (monkey with a skin of clown) but the principal sprite have the animation and can't show.

    in the principal sprite are in the firts layout, and the skins are in the second layout, when buying in the second layout need to this sprite be in the first layout o principal layout.


    Hola, ¿cómo puedo hacer cuando he seleccionado y comprar un sprite en la tienda (en mi juego) y este sprite puede mostrar en otro diseño, por ejemplo, tengo el sprite principal (un mono) y me compré un sprite (mono Con una piel de payaso) pero el sprite principal tiene la animación y no puede mostrar.

    En el sprite principal están en la primera disposición, y las pieles están en la segunda disposición, cuando la compra en la segunda disposición necesita a este sprite esté en la primera disposición o disposición principal.

  • como hago lo siguiente, necesito que al llegar a 100 puntos salga una estrella ( estrella de puntuación ya esta configurada y se muestra bien) pero cuando regreso al nivel o reinicio el layout esa estrella se mantenga, por así decir que con 100 puntos una estrella, 200 puntos 2 estrellas y así sucesivamente y que cuando récord sea igual o mayor a esos puntos esas estrellas se mantengan en el nivel aunque cambien o se reinicie el nivel.

  • create another variable with the maximum number and then make a compariton, or do that oosyrag said