switchxs's Forum Posts

  • Thank you for pointing me that way Ramones, your example was exactly what I was after.

  • Just wondering if my question doesn't quite make sense - I still haven't been able to code what I'm looking for.

    To help illustrate what I'm looking for have a look at the following video from Rayman.

    Rayman Youtube

    Rayman jumps on the large bouncy flowers that bounce him off at the same angle as the flower is facing. I'm looking to do something similar with my character that uses the platform behaviour. I don't want to set up a custom x and y vector for each bounce pad, instead take the angle of the bounce pad and use that to fire my character the correct direction.



  • OK, thanks for the heads up, I removed the plugin - it wasn't actually needed in my test capx.

  • Bounce_Pads.Capx


    I'm working on some new gameplay mechanics for my platform game, one of them is what I call 'bounce pads'. These are objects that I can place at any angle and when my player jumps on them they are fired off in the direction of the bounce pad.

    The problem I had is with the platform behaviour I can't find a way to jump my player at a specific angle, I can only choose a combination of X and Y vectors.

    So, to get round this I added the CustomMovement behaviour which does support the Acceleration on a set Angle. But as you will see in the capx I have to disable the platform behaviour which doesn't have gravity and frequently sends my player out into space.

    I also wanted the player to be fired from the centre of the bounce pad, but when I position it to the centre of the bounce pad it stays stuck there (currently commented out).

    Does anyone have any clues to which way I should do this?

    In the capx you'll notice another mechanic I want to get working what I call 'HoldAndFire' - the player jumps into the flower objects, it starts rocking side to side, when you next press jump it fires you out at that angle, but as you will see it only works the one time, the second flower doesn't fire you out at the right angle... :-(

    Any help or pointers really appreciated.


  • Thanks for the honest feedback.

    The camera jerking as you fall far, I know what the issue is there, just need to implement a fix for it sometime. We have a couple of other bugs but not game breakers so left them for now.

    As for performance it's using a few effects on the foreground and background layers so that might be the reason. We did test on a slower pc and had similar issues as you describe. We're just thinking about what to do with it next :)

    There is a video on vimeo if you want to see it running at the proper framerate here:



  • Hi

    My partner and I have been working on a small game to show off her animation and artwork.

    You can play the online version here www.inna-animation.com/tulley (~35mb)

    or download a Windows exe and see some artwork and screenshots here

    It was made with C2 and Flash. We're currently trying to get it running well on Android and iOS but currently having performance issues. Hopefully we can sort them out soon.

    Any feedback is greatly appreciated and thanks for the help we've had on the forums too - it's fun working with Construct :)


  • Thanks for the reply Tap

    At the moment my game files are mostly made up of graphics and animations, after that it's the audio.

    I'd be more than happy to use the plugin and update the audio actions but unfortunately even if I offload all the audio the artwork still pushes the file size over the AppMobi limits.

    I wish there was a way to compile C2 games for Android/iOS locally on my PC/Mac :)



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  • Hi

    My Construct 2 game is currently around 40mb and only going to get bigger when I start putting in music etc..., when I try to publish with AppMobi it tells me they have a project limit of 25mb. They advise using the media cache.

    I added the Appmobi object and notice the 'add to Media Cache' action.

    It allows me to point to a web address. I'm fine with putting some of my data on my website but how do I realistically go about this...

    1. Surely I want to bundle all my files into a zip/archive file? Does this approach work with AppMobi and Construct?

    2. If I offload my music and animations to the mediacache how do I tell Construct to not export them but wait and look for the files from the mediacache?



  • Update...

    Upon removing the for each loop, the code that randomly mirrors the sprites causes all of the sprites to mirror at the same time, I was wanting them to individually mirror at different intervals which is what I had with the for each loop.

    Shall I put the for each back in, or is there a different/better way to do it?



  • Thanks for the quick replies.

    Good spot Ramones, I am now kicking myself over that :)

    Newt, I wanted all my 'babies' to be doing different things and thought that if it wasn't in a for each loop then they'd all do the same thing. I've just tested it without the for each and sure enough they are still doing their different motions. Thank you for the advice!


  • Hi

    I have a little frustrating problem. I have a character (baby01) that has 3 animation states, idle, sad and happy. Each state plays through a random selection of animations.

    My issue is that when I compare the value of one of my boolean(0/1 text) states the actions do not happen. I've tried using local and global variables, moving the compare to different parts of the 'for each' loop but nothing helps.

    Below is the code I have created, as you can see my globals are at the top, at the moment I am setting baby_happy to 1 manually just to test, then in the code I say if baby_happy is equal to 1 play the animations.

    (everything works if I remove the compare variable check but I need it to change animation states.

    Any idea what I am doing wrong here?



    <img src="https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3796932/global_Check.jpg" border="0" />

  • Wow, thats really helpful Nimtrix.

    I eventually got everything working, although it wasn't as easy as expected. I found that when that code was in a group it did not work at all, moving it outside of the group fixed it... I'm not sure why to be honest, everything else within my 'HUD' group works ok.


  • Thanks Nimtrix, that tutorial has helped me - I can't quite get it to work automatically but it's closer than before :) (that tutorial has half health which I think has confused me a little with the extra code)

    I'll work on it a bit more and see where I get to :)

    Thanks again


  • Hi

    I am trying to make a system that shows 3 health icons (hearts in this instance). When the player is hit it'll remove the furthest right icon until they are all gone.

    Then, if you pick up a new health heart in the level I want to add a new heart up to the maximum of three.

    I can get the health removing itself in a brute force method by manually assigning each heart a specific number (0,1,2) to coincide with the players health. But can't reverse the process when you pick up more health. So far I do this:

    • when health = 2
    • play the animation for heart 2 disappearing

    But what do I do when I pick up more health, how do I say, health was 1, and now it's 2 so play the animation for heart 2 appearing.

    I wanted to use a for each loop, and number them based on the sprite.x position but I couldn't get that working. I'm keen to learn to do things programmatically rather than brute force every time :)

    Any ideas on the logic I should be using?



  • Ah, thanks Justifun. I will give that a go... that does sound like it will work.

    Thanks again
