I'm trying to get the particles to change it's angle to that of the player, and also to change the particle's gravity angle to the position of the player, but it isn't working. Help?
EDIT: I hope you like reading boring, plain code
Start of layout: [Particles]: Destroy
On left mouse button clicked: [System]: Create object [Particles] on [Layer 1] at (Sprite.X, Sprite.Y)
[Particles]: Set X to (Sprite.X)
[Particles]: Set Y to (Sprite.Y)
[Sprite]: Set angle to Angle(Sprite.X, Sprite.Y, Mouse.X ,Mouse.Y)
[System]: Set global variable 'PlayerAngle' to (Sprite.Angle)
[Sprite]: Destroy
[System]: Create object [Sprite] on [Layer 1] at (MouseX, MouseY)
[Sprite]: Set angle to global('PlayerAngle')
[Particles]: Set angle to global('PlayerAngle')
[Particles]: Set angle to global('PlayerAngle')[/code:2tzcn74d]