SwatHound's Forum Posts

  • I never realized that "global" for sprites. I clicked on them and immediately saw it. Thank you VERY much for the links, I never knew about this.

    Some older tutorials suggested copy pasting them and I thought this has to be a joke.

    Thank you very much, I'm so relieved to see this.

  • How do I keep all of my code/sprite/objects working between layouts?

    I made a new layout, and added in my most important unit. Half of its visuals are missing and needless to say its not working out so hot.

    I'm pretty sure I need to "Copy and paste" every single object I have in the original layout to make sure it all works out, but is this really the answer?

    Is there something I can do to "preload" everything into the other layouts I make? I checked the FAQ and tutorials, but I did not find anything directly related to the importance of keeping all the objects on screen.

    tl;dr - how do I get all of my objects from my first layout, to all of my other layouts without copy pasting. - Is it possible? and is this the "correct" way to be doing this?

    *Warning - Global objects are not destroyed on the end of layout.

    This was causing me some crazy bugs, due to the way I coded my game. What I actually was hoping for was the ability to create a new layout, and copy paste some units into the layout that would run their programming automatically.

    I've decided to just duplicate my entire first layout and modify it as needed for the rest.

  • Almost perfectly mastered the art of split screen? Would you be so kind as to share your powers?

    And by split screen do you mean the usual type of split screen we all know?

    There was a type of split screen in.. I forget the name of the game but...

    Depending at which angle you guys left each other the screen would slice in such a way that it would not necessarily be down the middle, and it rotated as it needed be depending on where the players were next to each other.

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  • No magic - screenshot is the solution.

    Good to know, thanks.

    Wasn't sure if there was some sort of javascript I could employ for something like this.

    Thanks for the reply!

  • Is it possible, to show a screencap/preview of a level?

    -> Level select

    -> Hover over 1,2,3, etc

    -> Shows an image of what your layout looks like.

    Is there some scripting magic to enable this? or would you have to just take a screen shot of the layout and just import it as an image / sprite?

  • Hello there phantomunboxing

    You seem to be asking a lot of questions, and that is good because knowledge is power, but I think you would benefit more by checking out these links.




    A lot of your questions can be answered in those links, and you'll also learn a lot from them.

    The academy tutorial videos might not teach you to make "THE EXACT" game you want, but they will help you to further understand how the system works, and with that you'll be able to understand the Construct 2 better and you'll be able to answer your own questions.

    As for the randomized spawning dungeons try this link - procedural-generation-for-beginners-pdf_t61806 - I warn you, it *might* be a bit much if you're just starting out with Construct2.

  • Uhh.. is it just me or..

    MadSpy was that supposed to be a Capx file? Because I seem to be only able to play it in browser.

    Did you use LERP for that?

  • Woah. Thank you kindly C-7 , I got my answer in another post, but this one definitely helped me understand it deeper.

    And thanks for answering my difference between question.

  • blackhornet Thank you so much my friend!

    After fiddling with it for about 15 minutes, throwing in values randomly left and right, I seemed to have figured it out. or better yet, I know which numbers to put in to get my percents, I don't particularly know why it worked out as such though.

  • Ok i looked it up, the fancy math way is

    Every tick set text.text to (angle(0,0,Gamepad.Axis(0, 0), Gamepad.Axis(0, 1)) % 360 + 360) % 360

    that gives you a value of the gamepad thumbstick axis between 0-360

    but the rectangle method as described above is easier to wrap your head around probably

    That seems super nifty keen.

    How exactly did you "Look it up" ? Did you go to google and search radial selection or something along those lines?

    (Don't mind this next question, I would just appreciate it if someone would humor me - Humor me as in, I have little idea of whats going on and would like to know more)

    So.. Why the % 360 + 360 ) % 360 ...... Why the 720 in total? What exactly does this mean? - It's probably one of those situations where "Don't worry about it just copy it down and know that this does this" But I'm curious as to how this is broken down.

  • Hello community, I am bad at math!

    I remember from when I was in school, it was something something 100 over a number? Haha, that's irrelevant right now...

    Basically, uh. How do I type into string percentages?

    How do I get the system to evaluate a number and give me the closest percent to that, and then of course "round" up or down?

    I'm reading https://www.scirra.com/manual/126/system-expressions and also viewtopic.php?t=72716&start=0 as I wait for one of you lovely people to save me from my ineptitude of all things math.

    Final question, what is the difference between the "Beginner's Questions" and "How do I" forum?

  • Hello community, I am bad at math!

    I remember from when I was in school, it was something something 100 over a number? Haha, that's irrelevant right now...

    Basically, uh. How do I type into string percentages?

    How do I get the system to evaluate a number and give me the closest percent to that, and then of course "round" up or down?

    I'm reading https://www.scirra.com/manual/126/system-expressions and also viewtopic.php?t=72716&start=0 as I wait for one of you lovely people to save me from my ineptitude of all things math.

    Final question, what is the difference between the "Beginner's Questions" and "How do I" forum?

  • Thanks RamPackWobble , that definitely was interesting to watch, pretty mesmerizing.

    I think this is pretty damn close to exactly what I needed, reading over your notes now, thanks a lot!

  • Ah, yes thank you, but I was hoping more for a way to set the angle of motion by mouse click to the target who's UID is whichever the one that the system holds in it's global variable at the moment.

    Basically I have this bullet and I need it to collide with the sprite but the bullet is launched at the target who has the same UID as the Global UID Variable - is what I would like to happen.

    The pick by unique id would require me to memorize each sprites id, or atleast check in the layout sheet each time I would have to change it, and with constantly spawning and destroyed sprites I don't think I could manage that all too well.

    I was more hoping for a lesson on "This is what you should be typing in" if what I wanted is even possible.

    I am able to have the system pick by comparison, the sprite's UID = GlobalVarUID, yes, but I don't know how if at all possible to make the bullet angle towards that very same UID.

    I thought by having that condition, the following action "Set bullet angle towards sprite.x, sprite.y", the sprite in question would be the same one that the condition picked.