swad's Forum Posts

  • 14 posts
  • Hello blackhornet

    Have you any idea why I have this error when I install plugin or behavior after conversion with your tool ?

    I don't get this error with the official example : https://www.scirra.com/doc/c3sdk/behavi ... sdk-v1.zip

    Thank you

  • AllanR

    Thank you for your answer

    I know that this action exists, the problem is that I have to manage my CSS code, and the events sheet doesn't look clear with this action.

    I think I will try to convert this plugin () to C3 plugin

  • Hello

    How I can do to style my button using C3 and css ?

    I have to load webfont or something like this ?

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/1283/c ... -textboxes

    Or maybe I have to use the following plugin : plugin-css-import_t78007

    Thank you

  • The second problem is solved by clearing browser cache

    But the first one still not solved...

  • It's frustrating because I can't report big problem in C3 !!

    Here is the screenshots :

  • I don't understand what happens

    I get this error :

    But I can see my topic here :

  • LaurenceBedford

    Nice ! Now, you can try to make it multiplayer !

  • Thank you for completing my answer

  • Hello

    You need to use database, mysql Table, php and ajax !

    You save the score of all the players and when you need your leaderboard, you do mysql request to retrieve these informations from your table.

  • totoe and rudy

    Sorry, I can't answer via private message because I have only 200 points.

    So I answer here :

    the plugin will be available soonly, something like 2 weeks in beta version.

  • Hi

    I know that it's dangerous sending requests from JS to server and I will warn all users about this.

    Once I will finish developing MyServer, I will create website to download it, in this website I will give, for each function, information about the security, the dangers, and also the solutions to try to avoid them. Also you can choose to download or not a specific function.

    MyServer blocks MySQL injections and I don't use any library.

    Anyway, using or not using MyServer (so with ajax plugin), it's not possible to do 100% secure requests.

  • Hello :

    you can see the examples included in the software,

    you can see this section of the forum scirra.com/forum/beginner-s-questions_f178[/li]

    you can see YouTube videos about C2

    and finally you can fix challenges to you and try to achieve them, the forum is here if you have any question

  • Elliott Thank you for your answer.

    I still working on it, don't hesitate to request function which is not in my list

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Hi Folks,

    This plugin will allow you to execute actions on your server from Construct 2 or Construct 3. MyServer works on all platforms.

    The zip file contains the plugin and php file. You have to fill some variables in the php file and upload it on your server. Then you put the link to this file in the properties of the plugin.

    The package contains also the code so you can use it into your web projects.

    Please note that this plugin :

    • Doesn’t use JQuery (so it works with Construct 2 and Construct 3)
    • Is compatible with all versions of PHP.
    • Is compatible with all versions of MySQL
    • Will choose the best way to execute request (algorithm will use the most recent method)
    • Is not 100% secure, MyServer is secured as much as possible.

    In this topic, I will keep you informed about the development of MyServer, you will be able to execute the followings actions :

    Emails :

    • Send Email without HTML code (simple text)
    • Send Email with HTML code (styled)
    • Function will be called once the last Email will be successfully sent

    Files :

    • Upload file to server
    • Function will be called once the last file will be successfully uploaded
    • Change file path
    • Function will be called once the last path file will be successfully edited
    • Remove file from your server
    • Function will be called once the file will be successfully deleted
    • Edit file name
    • Function will be called once the file will be successfully renamed
    • Create simple file (like .txt, .html …)
    • Function will be called once the file will be successfully created
    • Write content in simple file (.txt file or another simple file, you can’t write content of pdf file for example)
    • Function will be called once the file will be successfully filled with the content
    • Get content of simple file (.txt file or another simple file, you can’t read content of pdf file for example)
    • Function will be called once the content file will be successfully got. You can access to the file content using the expression fileContent
    • Append content of simple file
    • Function will be called once the content file will be successfully appended
    • Get full URL of file so you can download it
    • Function will be called once the file URL will be successfully got. You can access to this URL using the expression fileURL
    • Get size of file (Mo)
    • Function will be called once the file size will be successfully got. You can access to the file size using the expression fileSize
    • Check if file exists
    • Function will be called if the file exists
    • Function will be called if the file doesn’t exist

    Folders :

    • Create Folder
    • Function will be called once the folder will be successfully created
    • Remove folder (the content in this folder will be also removed)
    • Function will be called once the folder will be successfully removed
    • Change name of folder
    • Function will be called once the folder will be successfully renamed
    • Check if folder exists
    • Function will be called if the folder exists
    • Function will be called if the file doesn’t exist
    • Get size of folder (Mo)
    • Function will be called once the folder size will be successfully got. You can access to the folder size using the expression folderSize
    • Get list of folders and files in folder
    • Function will be called once the folder content will be successfully got. You can access to the folder content using the expression folderContent

    Database :

    • Create Database
    • Function will be called once the database will be successfully created
    • Destroy database (all tables will be removed)
    • Function will be called once the database will be successfully removed
    • Get database size
    • Function will be called once the database size will be successfully got. Use the expression dbSize to access to this value.
    • Get list of all tables name in this database
    • Function will be called once the tables will be successfully got You can access to the list using the expression dbContent

    MySQL Tables :

    • Create table
    • Function will be called once the table will be successfully created
    • Destroy table
    • Function will be called once the table will be successfully removed
    • Change name of table
    • Function will be called once the table will be successfully renamed
    • Remove all lines of table
    • Function will be called once the table will be successfully dropped
    • Add row (column) to table
    • Function will be called once the row will be successfully added
    • Remove row of table Will be called once the row will be successfully removed
    • Change name of row in table
    • Function will be called once the row will be successfully renamed
    • Insert line (data) into table
    • Function will be called once the line will be successfully inserted
    • Remove line from table
    • Function will be called once the line will be successfully deleted
    • Edit line data
    • Function will be called once the line will be successfully edited
    • Get data from table
    • Function will be called once data will be successfully got. You can access to the array (contains all the values of all the lines) using the expression lineContent
    • Get size of table (Mo)
    • Function will be called once table size will be successfully got. You can access to table size using the expression tableSize

    Session and cookies :

    • Start session
    • Function will be called once the session will be successfully started
    • Destroy session
    • Function will be called once the session will be successfully destroyed
    • Create session variable
    • Function will be called once session variable will be successfully set
    • Get value of session variable
    • Function will be called once value of variable will be successfully got. You can access to this value using the expression sessionValue
    • Set or edit cookie
    • Function will be called once cookie will be successfully set
    • Read value of cookie if exists
    • Function will be called once value of cookie will be successfully got. You can access to this value using the expression cookieValue

    The problem : I have worked and still continuing to work seriously on this plugin and I need support to continue developing it. So I have found two solutions (you are free to suggest another solution), I'm waiting your opinion <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" /> :

    • I sell it on store, in this case, how much $ you will be able to pay ;
    • I create patreon (or another system of donation) and I wait you support, so everyone can use MyServer and I continue developing and improving it. In this case, tell me if you are volunteer to donate

    Thank you

    N.B: Sorry for my english, it's not my native language <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

    Here is pdf which contains details about the functions : dropbox.com/s/984f51z2nfarb ... r.pdf?dl=0

  • 14 posts