supersnow's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • ya, guess I blamed the wrong party

    iPad1: 127MB/256MB (crash amount/total amount)

    iPad2: 275MB/512MB

    iPad3: 645MB/1024MB

    iPhone4: 325MB/512MB

    iPhone5: 645MB/1024MB

    I was testing on iPad2. It crashes at 148mb precisely. My game size is around 29mb. As it;s mini RTS, it generates way more sprites than what i expect. The initial memory needed is around 500mb. I got this info after testing it on Nexus 10. The only way to solve it is via lazying/additive loading. I know u3d pro has this feature. imho, using a 3D engine to make a 2D game is quite stupid. Anyway, let's wait for next patch.

  • Find the answer on this thread

    Can't do anything on C2 side, it's wrapper issue. They just preload every layout without doing dynamic loading. The 100mb limited from iOS is even sucks. Not much I can do now. This game'll stick with android. I'll keep in mind to make a less sprite/sound game next time.

  • damn, this is a huge issue.

  • Just finished a couple testing. This is not about the buttons/spritefont issues. The autoquit is due to the resources overload. The initial loading of memory is 158mb. I simply need dynamic loading in game to resolve this problem.

    For the copyright, no need to worry. If my game is small potato, no one will care about it. If it becomes famous, big name will sue you with any reason.

  • I tried the cocoonjs launcher and standalone cocoonjs compiled xcodeproj. Both result in blackscreen or auto quit after loading the ludei logo.

    The performance on my Android device is real bad, but still run. I expect to see the same in iPad instead of freezing or autoquit.

    I did include buttons and text boxes in background. Maybe that's the issues. Let me try.

  • Hi I can't export my game to iOS. Can someone help me out? <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    The plugins I used are Zsorter, container and function.

    The Exporters I tried are XDK and Cocoonjs.

    The devices I tried are iPad 2 and iPad 1.

    The IDEs are xcode5.02.

    The Node-webkit version, crosswalk android and html5 version are fine.

    Since phonegap has 15mb limited, i didn't try it.

    I have update to the newest version (158). I used personal license.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Here is the capx link

    [trying the remove buttons method now]

    Android Exported

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

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  • Thanks mate! Don't worry, the game is still in development. And here is what Scirra say.

    3. Make an attempt yourself first. Provide a .capx of something you tried. This shows you made an effort, proving that you're not using us as a make-your-game-for-you service, and helps convey what you're trying to do as well.

  • Hi I can't export my game to iOS. Can someone help me out? <img src="smileys/smiley19.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    The plugins I used are Zsorter, container and function.

    The Exporters I tried are XDK and Cocoonjs.

    The devices I tried are iPad 2 and iPad 1.

    The IDEs are xcode5.02.

    The Node-webkit version, crosswalk android and html5 version are fine.

    Since phonegap has 15mb limited, i didn't try it.

    I have update to the newest version (158). I used personal license.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Here is the capx link

    [trying the remove buttons method now]

    Android Exported

  • 8 posts