superdbop's Forum Posts

  • Thanks ionux :) The best part is I used some gameboy colored assets from the real game we're making. She thought it was a demo level at first :D

    And congratulations to you and your spouse!

  • Hello everyone,

    Last Thursday, I surprised my girlfriend with a game I had made for her. Little did she know it was a marriage proposal!

    Those 8-Bit NerdZ - ManderZ Was Kidnapped!

    ManderZ Was Kidnapped!

    The amazing and beautiful and incredibly awesome ManderZ has been kidnapped by a bunch of weird space blobs! It�s your job to save her! Grab your "Hero�s Bow" and work your way through the dungeon to destroy them all. Make sure you save up all of the coins you find along the way!

    She got through the game and after she picked her jaw back up from the floor (she was so surprised!) she said "YES!"

    I'm posting the game online for everyone here because if it wasn't for Construct 2, This wouldn't have been possible.

    Thank you Scirra!!!

    The controls are as follows:

    * Left/Right Arrows � Move left or right

    * Down Arrow � Duck

    * Z � Jump

    * X � Shoot

    You can also shoot while you�re ducking. And holding down+jump will let you fall through the platform you�re standing on.

    If you have a USB game controller, that will also work. Jump is A and Shoot is B.

    We've decided not to post this in the Scirra Arcade for now. If anyone has any questions about the game feel free to ask. It was a blast to create and the look on her face made everything even better!

    Thanks :),


  • I got everything working now. Just had to move some stuff around in the code. Clearly, my coffee hasn't kicked in yet this morning...

    Thanks again. You can all ignore this post. :)

  • Which controller is it exactly? From my experience, controllers have to support XInput to work with C2 at all.

    Thanks GeometriX

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  • Of course it's working now that I've posted... haha figures.

    Still one issue. This doesn't seem to be working:

    D-Pad Down is down |
      Button A pressed | Fall Platform down through jump-thru

    Those are set in OR blocks with keyboard down arrow and z button. The keyboard combination works but the gamepad combination doesn't.

  • My fiance and I only have Logitech USB controllers to test our games and they don't seem to work with Node-Webkit.

    Is anyone else having this issue? Tried on both Windows 7 and 8.


  • Someone is using Nintendo characters in there Windows games. I wonder where they got the endless runner code from... <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • I've brought this up before too but never got a response.

    Assuming Construct 2 is written .net (vb, c#, etc) it should be compatible with MonoDevelop.

    Using the existing codebase (again, assuming C2 is written in .net,) you could support Windows, Mac, and Linux.

    *here's for hoping*

  • Beat it!

    285,636 points! But I didn't do the thing. That last level is a long one! And those birds!

    Fun stuff. Great job :D

  • Fun :) I like the name "Super Pickle Man"

    I found a bug in level 1.2 though. When you're at the top of the level on the right side, there is an invisible wall. I was able to wall jump all the way up, get on top of it, and then fall all the way to the bottom of the level outside of the screen. I wasn't able to get back up by wall jumping either.

    An invisible ceiling there would be a quick and easy way to prevent this :)

    This was on the desktop. I don't have a smartphone to play with the mobile version.

  • Hmm... Maybe try using the Pin behavior. This way, you can avoid imagepoints and pin your sprites On Start of Layout rather than setting the position every tick.

    Or... Maybe the combination of Pin and the position rounding I mentioned earlier will allow you to stay pixel-perfect without the need to turn Pixel Rounding on? Just make sure the position is being rounded early in the Every Tick.

    Hopefully someone else can help too. I'm still a Scirra newbie :D

  • Here's a quick capx to apply pixel rounding to the sprite's position.


    Every Tick

    Player | Set Position round(Player.X), round(Player.Y)

    As you can see in the example, solids seem to push the player up one pixel (bug?). I have pixel rounding turned OFF in the capx.


    I should also mention I was incorrect thinking the pixel rounding is affecting the jump-thru. The bug is still present in this example, even with the recommended one pixel height.

    How are you positioning the sprites to your hitbox? And can you post a capx? It doesn't have to be one of your game. A quick mockup with basic colored blocks will work. Maybe we can all help figure it out :)

  • This bothers me too. I'm making a game based on Gameboy Color specs (160x144 resolution) and pixel rounding seems to be causing a lot of issues with jump-thrus. IE: run off the edge of a jump-thru then try to make your player fall back towards the jump-thru and they will teleport back on top of the platform.


    What is the reasoning behind visual pixel rounding with floating point positions instead of integer-based positions? Is there any way to have all positions strictly integer-based?

  • Tada!

    This is a very quick example of applying a "dream like" effect to the top and bottom portions of the screen. It uses Construct 2's built-in autorunner demo.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a new layer with a parallax of 0,0 and place it above the layer(s) you would like to change. This will effect all layers underneath this "layer mask."

    2.) Create/import a new sprite on this new layer or tiled background that fades from white to transparent.

    3.) First apply the "Divide" effect to the new layer and the add any other effects you would like after that.

    That's really all there is to it. The whiter the area, the more of the effect you'll have and the more transparent the area, the less of the effect you'll have.

    I plan on using it to create a tilt-shift effect in a future game, but I can also see this as a way to create patchy fog, fuzzy line-of-sight by pinning the image to the player, etc. This method should work with all effects so you should be able to do things like apply a wave effect just above the ground to imitate a hot sunny day, etc.

    Pretty cool!

  • Sure. I'm at work now, but I'll try to whip something up on my lunchbreak. :)