sunavagun's Forum Posts

  • 9 posts
  • Hey man I love the graphics but for some reason at the start of the level

    and on some platforms he wont jump while running, as in when you're right arrow to run and if you press up to jump at the same time he wont do it a lot of the times.

  • Hey people I know its not much but here is a little bit of a demo of the game

  • Hi people, I appreciate you all like the way it looks as I am more of a graphic designer then a game programmer. But in any case yes it is all my graphics and I am working on a demo right now, it may take a bit of time as I am still learning how to use this software properly but I'm getting there

  • I appreciate that BUT, here goes, instead of sitting back and not using the software while waiting for google to fix your browser of choice, i think that most people would make the choice to use the browser that supports the software. its like ordering fast food from a place knowing people spit in it, going hungry while waiting for careless management to do something about it when you could have just ordered the same thing at another place and ate spit free food.

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  • Here is the thing though, i think it is a bug, it's a bug in compatibility, i purchased this software and expected it to work perfectly, you did create it to be tested and used on the web and yet it has so much compatibility problems as its operating environment does not support it fully, it took me a a couple of hours to figure out how to get it working properly, and the first place I went to on the forums was bugs as it was bugging the crap out of me, so i think you might want to leave it in bugs section as people will look there for it first.

  • Zoom in holding ctrl key while pressing plus key or moving mouse wheel forward in case you cant see properly, i am sure most of you know how to do that, but I didn't at one stage of my life so here it is for the non knowers to be enlightened <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • This will be played on 2 control levels, commander mode in pause mode ( issuing orders to squads) and individual soldier control with real time command issue such as follow, set up turret etc. Maps are 2d with a 3d navigation being that a topographic mini map will show all the corridors from the top but the game is still played as a platform RTS. Think of this a Natural Selection but in 2d.

    If anybody would like to collaborate let me know.

    Here is the image link of all that I have done so far

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • Hi. Try running project in firefox instead of chrome as it supports it solves this issue, if you have problems running project in firefox referr to my problems with firefox post for a solution, cheers.

  • Here goes. If you have a problem with firefox crashing after you click the green button to run the project i have found the solution.


    This also fixes the mouse and keyboard movement bug as chrome does f!zmw@k it up.

    Hope this helps people

  • 9 posts