SullyTheStrange's Forum Posts

  • Wow, all zeroes? Any idea how that sort of thing can happen? I'd like to avoid it in the future if I could, but maybe the best thing to do is just keep really up-to-date backups.

    Either way, thanks for the responses. Better get back to work rebuilding this...

  • Well... this is horribly embarrassing, but for some reason Dropbox wasn't showing the new file I thought I uploaded and I copied the wrong one by accident. THIS is the one giving me problems:

    *sigh* Sorry about that. And Krush, even if you get that message it's probably better than nothing, since I can't open it whatsoever.

  • This message comes up whenever I try to open my cap file. Yes, it's the cap and not the persist, thank you very much. It only started happening in the past ten minutes, when it worked as recently as a few hours ago. I have no idea what I could've done to make this happen, but... it sucks.

    All other files seem to be working, so I don't think it's my Construct. Just in case, here's the cap if anyone wants to try and open it. (EDIT: this is the correct file now )

    It's not HORRIBLY important to fix this, since I have a recent version that I can work back up to the some point, but it would save me a good amount of time if this could be salvaged somehow.

  • Ohh alright. I had no idea that's what it was called.

    So if hp > 1 ... hammer time

    hp < 2 ... cant touch this

    Ahah, you're too late! I already made that joke in the comments of my project.

  • "State machine"? Never heard that one before.

  • The float thing occurred to me, but like I mentioned in the original post, for testing purposes I changed it to:

    Item PV Equal to 2:

    • Add attribute "Solid"
    • Set pv "Solid" to 1

    And "Solid" is indeed set to 1 when it's supposed to, which wouldn't happen if the comparison wasn't working.

    Anyway, your suggestion... well, I don't think it can work for what I'm doing. I wanted to keep the description vague, but oh well, here goes.

    The item is a hammer that Mario can use in my game. While carrying it around, it's part of his sprite rather than an actual object, but when you get hit by an enemy and shrink to small Mario, it creates a hammer object and drops it to the ground. Small Mario isn't strong enough to use the hammer, so when Mario's health is 1 (meaning he's small), the hammer should be solid. When his health is 2 (Super Mario, and thus strong enough to pick the hammer up again), it shouldn't be solid so he can overlap it and pick it up. I can't use any start of layout things because the hammer is created during run-time, so the only other thing I can think of is adding and removing the solid attribute.

  • I've been having trouble with the "add attribute" action lately, so to find the cause I used it in an extremely simple event and it just... isn't doing it right. I dunno what else to say. The event just says:

    Item PV Equal to 2: Add attribute "Solid"

    Nothing more than that. For some reason, sometimes it WILL make it solid... after waiting about ten seconds or so. I tried debug mode and the PV is working fine, so it isn't that, and there's no other event in the entire game that might add or remove attributes to Item. For testing purposes, I added another PV called "Solid" that gets set to 1 after the add attribute action, and even that works like it should. Even so, there's a huge delay in making it solid or it doesn't happen at all.

    Is this a bug?

  • Looks absolutely perfect! I'll try to get it working in my project tonight. Not entirely sure how you did it, so hopefully copying it word for word will work. Thanks so much!

    EDIT: Worked like a charm! Thanks again for your help (and everyone else, too!). Now I can finally move on to the rest of my project.

  • Welp, seems like I can't do that with MagiCam. Oh well.

    DtrQ, that's almost exactly what I need. The only thing I'd want to add is that the clouds slowly scroll while the camera isn't moving, too. Sounds easy to do, but I'm not sure how to set that up... Any ideas?

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  • If I remember correctly, it registers as true when the camera is transitioning to a new position, not when it's just moving normally.

    Oh, okay. Is there any way to tell when it's moving normally then?

  • What exactly does "Moving" under "While motion in progress" mean? I assumed it was the obvious, but it doesn't seem to be working how I imagined...

  • Well that was sitting right in front of my face...

    Sounds like that raises the pitch, though. I guess I'll have to make a second track that has a lower pitch, then switch to that and change the ratio... A bit of work, yeah, but it'll have to do if there isn't any other way. Thanks.

  • EDIT: Better description in the newest post.

    Like Sonic's Speed Shoes, which make the music faster while active, but the music continues from the same point, it doesn't start over.

    I had a solution for a similar problem where a new instrument overlays the current track, by having both songs (with instrument and without) play at once, and you mute one to switch them. That ensures they'll play at the same point in the song when switching, but since speeding up the song, y'know, changes its speed, that solution can't work.

    Is this even possible?

  • For the repeating sound problem, use the condition "Trigger once while true" under "System". That should work.

  • Hmm... I think that one should work, newt. My only problem is that those clouds should only be moving when the camera scrolls instead of whenever the character moves, but I'm pretty sure I can set up MagiCam to help with that. I won't be able to try until later, but thanks again to both of you for taking the time to help me.