Sue76's Forum Posts

  • 8 posts
  • Hey, I have taken a look at your "Word Challenge" game and I really like it! I have an opportunity I would like to discuss with you. Please email ( or message me back as soon as you can. Thanks!

  • Hey I have taken a look at your game and I love it. Your game is truly addicting. I have an opportunity I would like to discuss with you. Please email ( or message me back as soon as you can. Thanks!

  • Hey takamoto, unfortunately I cannot respond to your private message. Do you have any social media or email in which I can contact you? My email is:

  • Hi I played your "Holiday Trouble" game and I love it! I have an opportunity I would like to discuss with you when you have a moment. Please message me back. Thanks!

  • Hey takamoto, I played your game and I love it! It's so good! I wanted to discuss an opportunity with you regarding "Magic Dash". Please message me when you can. Thanks!

  • Hey takamoto, I played your game and I love it! It's so good! I wanted to discuss an opportunity with you regarding "Magic Dash". Please message me when you can. Thanks!

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  • Hey Demkamen, I played your game and I'm obsessed with it! It's amazing! I wanted to discuss an opportunity with you regarding Diseviled Stolen Kingdom. Please message me when you can. Thanks!

  • Hey Nirivonsiri, I played your game and I'm obsessed! It's so good! I wanted to discuss an opportunity with you regarding Hurbo Fighter. Please message me when you can. Thanks!

  • 8 posts