StonePaleAle's Forum Posts

  • Cool, man. Thanks. I'll leave it as text for now since I am only using it for display.

  • Hello All,

    Is it possible to access the information in project settings? I would like to display the Description and Version on the title screen without having to change it in two places every time it is updated.


  • I've been using this method - that step is there.

    In the file itself, change the name in between the <name></name> tags.

    (ex "<name>Layout 2</name>")

    It's hiding at the end of the first paragraph. :)

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Thanks! That'll work!

  • Hello All,

    I have an animation that I want to repeat 5 times when a key is pressed.

    I have the animation set to Loop: No, Repeat Count: 5.

    I also do not want the player to be able to move while this animation is playing (not the issue).

    The player movement events/actions are in a group. The key for activating the animation is question is not.

    I deactivate the player movement group when the key is pressed, play the animation from begining, and activate the group when it completes.

    This works great. No issues. Until I press the animation key again. The animation only plays one time before it stops.

    My question is, why is it not taking the repeat count value into account when it is activated the second time? Is there something that needs to be reset?

    capx file link below.

    Link To File


  • Thanks!

  • Kind of a repost

    I want to remove a behavior using an action. Is there a way other than what onzephyr stated in this post?

    Forum Post

    That will work for me, because |Scroll To| was the beahvior I was looking to remove/add. (Thank you onzephyr for the info!!!!!) But what about other behaviors? I have seen posts with people suggesting to, for example, remove the physics behavoir on an object or player.

    Thanks in advance!

  • Thanks for the info!

  • So - for a mid game timer - create a timer object with an instance variable of X. On System tick - subtract one. Event - when 0, launch your actions.

  • Never mind. Got it. :-)

    Gave the object a number instance variable.

    Each tick, I subtract one.

    Event - if it's less than or equal to 0, I destroy it.


  • Is there a way to start a timer mid game, and have it do an action when the time is met?

    Or - for an object after it spawns, have it destroy itself after x ticks?

  • Wow. The responses here have been amazing! Thank you all very much!

    Ashley - as far as the scripting goes, I was only thinking along the lines of - actions for example - being able to type out something like:

    Player.SpawnObject(<object>, <layer>, <image point>);


    Player.Platform.MaximumSpeed = 100;

    or even


    Instead of using the UI. Scripting that basically does the same thing as the UI action building does.

    Again - Not needed. Everything is there. And sorry to all that I didn't see the platform/physics tut. Going to go back and check what I did wrong in the original game where I tried giving the floor both solid and physics behaviors.

    Thanks again, everyone!

  • Thanks! Not sure how I didn't get that post while I was searching. I'll just continue to use Paint and Macromedia Fireworks. Not that big of a deal saving an entire sprite sheet with a transparent color.

  • Thanks for the quick reply. And I think you're right. I must have done something wrong initially. I just created an app with a floor object, and set it with both physics and solid behaviors. I created my player object with platform, and created an object with just physics.

    Both the player and the object stayed on the floor object. Hmm - I'll go back to the original test app and see what I did wrong.

    Thanks for your help!

  • Hi there ? new user with many questions. I apologize if these have been asked and answered before ? I have searched the forums, and didn?t find what I was looking for.

    First off, great application! I use and have used quite a few different ?make your own game apps?. This one stacks up well with the others. I love the interface!


    Is there a way to script the events and actions instead of using the UI? I don?t think so, just asking. This would be a great addition.


    Is there a way to indicate a color to be used as a transparent color when importing a frame or sprite strip? Currently I am using two applications to do this. First one to draw the sprite(s), second one to set a color as transparent, and save as a gif.

    Platform Vs. Physics:

    For my test first game to get a feel for this, I went with a platform. I set the ?floors? as solid, and gave my player the platform behavior. I wanted my player to be able to throw objects, and those objects to have the physics behavior. But ? The objects with the physics behavior fell right through my solid floor objects.

    Do I have to:

    A.     Update the ?floor? objects to have the physics behavior, and set them to immovable? As well as set my player with the physics behavior, and control his movements manually? (Otherwise he falls right through the floors if he is platform, and the floors are physics.)

    B.     Create a floor object with the physics behavior and place it over the floor that is set to solid, and leave my player as platform? I have noticed that setting an object with both physics ? (immovable) and solid behaviors does not work.

    Player object passing through floor objects.

    In this case - the player is platform, and the floor objects are solid. I added a crawl animation to my player, and have him crawling under a low floor. But, if I stand up, the player gets stuck in the floor object above. Is there a way to not allow the player sprite to go through the floor (solid) sprite? To fix this, I created an invisible object and placed that in the space between the low floor and the floor. Essentially the space that the player is crawling through. In an event, when the user is overlapping this object, I force the animation to be one of the crawl animations, basically not allowing the player to stand up. This works, but was wondering if there was an easier way.

    That?s it for now. Sure I will have many more to come. And I am definitely planning on purchasing this very soon.

    Thanks in advance!