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    Seems like something you could figure out yourself if you took a few minutes.

    That won't help, because my project already have thousands of EaseTween Mod actions, and I can't launch it without this Behavior.

  • Hey there!

    I was making a game on C2 for a whole year, and it had two addons: EaseTween Mod link, and LiteTween link.

    With second plugin, LiteTween, there was 0 problem to import in C3, but EaseTween is a folder-type behavior that was located in Addons folder in C2. C3 doesn't have any folder like that, and I have 0 idea how to import it. Do I have to downgrade back to C2 because of that, or there is any solution? Thanks!

  • With 816 MB of graphics memory, your game will only run on desktop computers. What is the usual RAM size of video cards nowadays? 2 GB? 4 GB? Consider about half of that as your upper limit for a project. If your game is supposed to run on tablets or phones, aim for 100-400 MB max for the whole project (and not for each object).

    Animation tools basically move, resize, warp and twist sprites. Construct can do the same, no need to store a large sprite over and over in a series of huge images. The key is to import the "move, resize, warp and twist"-commands from your animation tool into Construct. This can be done with Spriter, not with Moho.

    You should consider to either switch to a programming tool that does support Moho exports (like Unity) or to an animation tool that is supported by Construct, like Spriter.

    it's not 816 Mb of graphics memory. It's more like RAM, because each 17 Mb animation raises RAM usage for 40~ Mb's. So, 48 animations will be like 2-3 Gb's of RAM, not GPU, because those frames data located in RAM when object is on the layer. I decided to make 48 objects, each one have each animation set, so it will eat only 40 Mb's of RAM and if I want to switch animation just delete previous one object and put the other one. This is only solution I found how to import complicated animations with good framerate with minimum quality lost and maximum optimisation.

  • I'm using Moho 12. Managed to make it 500x1000, but same 70 frames per each animation. Now each frame is 250kb. But now I figured that I have to make 16 animations with 3 variations each one, so 48 animations. Each animations is like 16-17mb. 48x17= 816Mb of animations in one object. Isn't it too much for one object?

  • 15 animations of 70 frames of 1920x1080. Yeah that's not ideal for 2D game development

    And how I'm supposed to make a good animated character?

  • 99% CPU? How large is each frame?

    Each frame was around 1-2 Mb in 1920x1080 because of complicated art.

  • First of all sorry for bad english.

    Hi there! How to make a smooth animation in C2? For example I want to make a Visual Novel system and want to add a character smooth animation I made with meshes, bones etc. How to import it? Frame-by-frame will be like 70+ frames and I have to make like 10-15 this kind of character animations so it will be kinda not optimized. I tried frame-by-frame with 70+ frames in one animations and when I was testing the game my CPU was 99% and game was eating 4GB of ram to run that fbf animations. Reducing frames to 15-20 will make it looks very bad and laggy. Exporting animation as video will not give me opportunity to place that character animation anywhere I want.

    How to import smooth transparent animation in Consctruct 2 and keep it CPU/GPU friendly?

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  • Solved this problem myself.

    You need to set action to object NWjs > Open browser, and then put the URL there. It will open link in Windows default browser.

  • I want to open web links with default windows browser (Chrome etc.), not via in-game web preview.


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  • For example when I clicked on some button, object will smooth move +20 pixel up. I made something like this with LiteTween but it moves X+20 about global X, so it goes off the screen. Making it relative value does't help.

  • 10 posts