Steven's Forum Posts

  • Is there anywhere within Construct that displays what version you are currently running?

    I am fairly sure i am using .989, but i don't have a layers tab.

    I have got .942 installed(and other versions here and there :/)but am not using it due to a bug.

    Edit- I just had a look through each version on my pc and it seems none of them have a layers tab anymore.

  • The functionality just isn't there in .989 unfortunately. Cheers for the update.

  • I've been trying out the 3d box object in .99.3 and have run into a problem. The 3d box doesn't render if it is outside the scrolling window size. So if your layout is 1000px wide and your window is 640px, any 3d boxes at 641px onwards don't show up.

    I'll post this on the tracker just in case, but if anyone knows if i am doing something wrong or how to get around this i would be appreciative.

  • .898 Is the latest 'stable' version which is linked from the front page, and on the forums there are various updated builds that are labeled unstable as they 'could' have potential problems.

    I've had both .898 and .93 crash on me from time to time. Everything crashes now and then(I'm sure I've crashed every program i run regularly), just save often, and if you find something specific that causes Construct to crash report it on the tracker.

  • Thank you chap, i figured it would be something along those lines.

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  • I was just going to work on a top down shooter sort of game after picking up .993, and decided to take a look at the examples provided with construct, took a look at the events...and there weren't any, so i went back to .898 and found this strange pictogram language. Is the how construct started out? Or is there a setting to change this back to something i can understand?

    <img src="">

  • You are missing form, all the leaves blend in together and look flat. You need to consider the shape of the tree from this angle, How the leaves would be covering a lot of the trunk and so on ... apter5.htm

    Check out the picture of the tree/sphere construction about a third of the way down.

  • Old from pages and pages ago

    And updated

    <img src="">

  • Hey Rostasky, sorry i dropped out of chat, my internet was crashing

    I took a look at it, and it seems the trigger event needs to be a subevent. you'll see the option down below the insert new condition option. Then move the events onto the subevent and it will work.

    As a side note, there is a crop tool in the image editor, and pressing 5 on the number pad(check numlock) will center the action point so when things turn around they will stay centered.

  • There is an option under,

    System-Special conditions-Trigger once while true.

    So try adding that to the same condition you are using to create the block.

  • Are you using add to variable, subtract from variable or set variable?

    IF you are using add, then +1 will work

    IF you are using subtract, then -1 will work

    IF you are using set, then you will need to set it up something like this,

    Car passes start-Set Variable1 to "Variable1+1"

    You need to include the variables current value or each time it will be set to 1.

  • That was pretty much the point. lumping everyone into one project is bound to break down quickly(and have jarring contrasts), but having 1 or 2 people making each mini-part of a game would increase chances of success and add an interesting texture.

  • Set the platform movement to a rectangular solid sprite. Position animated character sprites to it. Have a variable to have 1 visible and the rest invisible. Use Families for the animation events.

    For when you want the characters to do different things add in event sheets/groups to indvidualise them(the platform movement and actions etc) and switch the groups on/off along with the animated character sprites.

  • What about various people each make a single frame mini game showing of one or several effects, and then one person links them all together into some sort of progressive game thing at the end. All sorts of game styles, art styles, but all consistent and contained in each frame. Perhaps a similar theme, or character threads through each frame.

  • I have played around with the different settings, and using the fixed frame rate really slugs the game, it's gets jerky and awkward feeling.

    Ashley, Thanks for that tip about adjusting the frame rate, obvious now, but I do usually tend towards doing things the long awkward difficult and barely functional ways.

    Now I don't mind showing graphics off...but when it comes to code, I'm so terrible at it i prefer to hide it away. But if you guys could give me an idea as to how to sort this out into the TimeDelta light?

    2 ticks would work out to 0.03 milliseconds, and 5 to 0.08, but because the time, is system based, I would need to add TimeDelta to the milliseconds? Is that correct? And i want 0.03 to be a derivative of 60?