steve1984's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • Amazing! Thanks so much for that tarek2 - the second one seems to work great.

    The only slight hiccup is the animation which seems to stutter a bit while pushing, but I'll organise a way around that (that artwork is not mine - just an example from Construct).

    Thanks again!

  • Further to my last reply dop2000 if you stand diagonally up and to the right from a rock, and then quickly press down and left, it moves left while you only move down.

    It's little things like that I think I need to iron out, but your version is closer to what I need! Any thoughts would be great.

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  • Thanks for the replies guys!

    tarek2 - that logic error makes sense thanks, but for your capx file the blocks don't move with the character, which is what I need. In yours they move while the player remains where they are (which is still nice!).

    dop2000 - yours fixes that error, but I'm also getting some slight misalignment when the Player pushes the rock. He stays still while it moves, or it moves two squares ahead instead of one etc.

    See this gif here of yours in action.

    Any idea why that happens? I had that error in an earlier draft and I really need it to be a perfect push as its for a puzzle game, even if its slower and more forceful.

    Yep you can use it on your website - even though it seems simple, it took a long time to get to that stage and obviously its still imperfect! I tried at least 15 different methods!

  • Hi guys, I have a top down rpg using Tile Movement (snapping perfectly to grid - important!).

    I finally figured out pushing Rocks which is working nicely - it turns on/off solid behaviour on collisions.

    But when I rub next to two Rocks it doesn't turn the solid back on for the far Rock, meaning I can push Rocks into each other. It seems the Solid doesn't trigger because maybe I'm *technically* still colliding with a Rock? (just not the far one)?

    Gif explanation

    Thoughts how to fix?

    Project available to download here.

    (Any advice on minimising the snapping/jittering appreciated too!).

  • 4 posts