Steexe's Forum Posts

  • Use Array.At() expression. For example,0) is the name of the player #21

    Thanks, I’ve done something similar. But If I have a 100 player list I don’t know which player I’m going to select from this list, so I need some expression that retrieve from the array the position of the selected player with related information, without inserting manually the X and Y of the array.

  • Thanks a lot dop!

    I was able to perform what I wanted :)

    One more thing: as you can see from following image, in the array I only see the playername but not other informations inserted. How to see if they are correctly inserted?

    What I need to achieve now is to retrieve all the information inserted in the array, when I click on the playername that now is showed in the list. Probably by inserting these information in some text boxes in the layout.

    How to pick these data from the array and use them in the text box?

  • Hi All,

    I have a question about updating arrays.

    I have my array "Array_Cemetery" where I want to add the following data to the first raw every time I click a button:

    - Player Name

    - Days

    - Hours

    - Minutes

    - PlayerAnimation

    - 1 or 0 value

    I don't want to overwrite raws that are already inside my array.

    I'm doing the following (with trigger once) but it is not working.

    Have tried also the Push function but it continuesly add items to the array.

    Someone could help please?

  • Hi mate!

    I was finally able to do some changes.

    As you can see from the c3p attached file, I can sync some objects between Host and Peer.

    I can't perform sync of inputs. When is P2 turn, from Peer game I'm not able to let P2 use its controls.

    Please, could you help me?

  • Thanks mate, I was able to sync part of the game between host and peer.

    What I don’t understand is how to sync inputs.

    I better explain: normally in the game that is one vs one on the same screen (turn based game) there is a global variable Turn. When Turn = Player1 then the controls perform actions (chose throw angle with up and down arrows and throw power keeping pressed space as much as you want) only for player 1. The same for player 2 when the variable is Player2.

    If I create an invisible item with an instance variable turn and when global variable is Player 1, this instance variable must be the same (also for P2) and then I send a message from host to share that this item with instance variable has been updated, then what do I need to do to let only P2 (peer) using controls and share results with host?

    Thanks a lot for the help.

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  • I read and did the tutorials but I can’t put what I did in my game.

    The “core functions” of my game should be under host group?

    Or should they be by theirselves?

  • Hi all,

    I released my game ********* Duels” few days ago, that is a turn-based game, with the possibility to play only on local computer in different modes:

    - versus cpu

    - versus player

    - training

    The game is simple, when global variable Turn is “Player 1” then you can use arrows up and down to aim and then press spacebar to shoot. The same controls when turn variable becomes “Player 2”.

    Both players have same simple controls.

    Now I’m trying to implement online multiplayer and I was able (following tutorials) to arrive at the point where peer joins the host’s room.

    I can’t understand how then to make everything working with syncs.

    I created Host, Peer and Common group.

    Do I have to put my “game core functions” under Host group?

    Do have I to create single instance variables of objects in the game layout and then update these and send messages to peer with updated ones?

    Do I just need to sync objects?

    Have tried with messages but just achieved how to see same texts for host and peer.

    If anybody could help me I appreciate.

    Just let me know and I’ll share with you the capx of the multiplayer version, if needed to better help me out.

    Thanks and regards

  • Ok, I removed greenworks at all from project and inserted greendgrinds.

    Changed references of achievements to greengrinds and exported as NW.js 0.92.

    No errors when using dev tools and achievements not working in Steam, can't understand why :(

  • Thanks a lot.

    Two questions:

    - What to do in case of error when using F12?

    - How to import fonts in the project?

  • Sorry, forgot to say the following.

    - Exported with dev tools and Steam flag enabled

    - inserted steam_appid.txt into game folders

    - uploaded in steamworks through steamworks GUI and everything works, bot windows and linux version can be downloaded from steam and works correctly

    The only thing that is not working is achievements.

    And another little thing: I’ve got two special fonts in my game that I’ve downloaded and installed on my windows and linux. How to automatically install them when someone download and install my game through steam without installing these fonts separately?

    Thanks a lot for your help, I appreciate

  • Hi all, already searched in this forum and tried something without solving my issue.

    My situation is the following:

    Used greenworks 0.89.2, exported to Nw.js 0.89 and used steamworks SDK 1.60.

    As you can see from image at certain conditions I inserted the Greenworks activate achievements, same name as one inserted into steamworks. This is not working.

    Dunno why..? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Anybody can help please?

  • Hi all,

    I’m developing a game where right now two players (versus mode) need to throw during their turn an object at a specific point, after choosing the throwing angle with up and down arrows and keep pressing space bar for throwing power.

    Right now player1 throw and then player2.

    How do I implement an AI that can choose the right angle and power during ita turn to have a versus mode with cpu?

    Tried to find something in the forum and online but found all different kind of turn based games.

    Thanks a lot in advance

  • Why that function runs few time if it is inside an event that should be generated only one time if true?

    I don’t understand this :(

  • Another thing is that TurnN is supposed to add +1 at the end of each turn, independently if is point or not.

    I don’t understand why if it is point, this variable correctly increments by 1. If it is not point it seems that it add a random number (like ticks number).

  • Thanks, for the fast reply.

    I mean:

    The variables seems that are correct for let functions to work correctly but seems that functions does not start as intended after few turns, randomly.

    I usually check if turn is Player1 or Player 2 and if the variables Punto, Angolo and AngoloImpostato are correct as per conditions and they are, but the turn won’t change to other player.

    Sorry I did not get the point of what you said to verify, could you better explain me?

    Thanks a lot