Try that for size
Anyone else with a little review
it helps alot when i can get some good quality input
Can someone please test this game. I need more reviews
kind regards
Its on purpose that you do not know how man mine worker that are left showing by numbers. But with a progressbar. A little bit of stress factor.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
1: Turrets seem to have too much health -> That is part of the game. Otherwise it gets to easy.
2: boms are now active by pressing "B" or "Down Arrow".
3: When I died it took me back to level select -> Fixed so that you restart the level.
Any other review are welcome -)
Thanks alot guys that helped.
Hello People
I would like you to review my game, if any of you are interested.
My game has a to big screensize for ARCADE. So i would really like to know how the game state is doing.
Kind regards
Steen Osterby
we really need more focus on the mobile area
Thanx for your help
Steen osterby
How to Use bullet As plane movement
Plane movement -) left,right,up,Down.
I know the other movements.
I need bullet for plane steering.
D� anybody has an very small example.
That would really help.
Hello AndyWatson
What did you use to get the game to android market. Did you use phonegab etc.
ok thanx Joannesalfa
looking forward for this plugin.
Hello Construct2 Nation.
I believe that it would be a very usefull to have a feature like "text to speech".
I my situation. For children education.
Do anybody have knowledge of that categori.
Very interested in this project.
I am from Denmark. Why US only. Can i publish on US Market