staryuisbest's Forum Posts

  • > I know people get tired of hearing me keep saying "we're a small team and we have limited resources". It's because it's true and 99% of the time it's the answer to "why hasn't XYZ been done yet".

    Ashley - a suggestion/request to help with this: expose more of the SDK to allow third party devs to create more powerful addons/effects - we can help XYZ get done.

    If you see this as valuable, we can post tight and directed requests for addon SDK features for specific XYZ-like addons (e.g. 3D view change in editor with access to more of the editor SDK / renderer.)

    This please.

  • Oh cool, never knew that's what it was called. Thx

  • Just what I needed thx! Do you have an effect that changes or can limit the amount of colors kind of like the toon effect but without the outlines? or some fake celshading without lighting.

    Like this

  • Newest Effect is a glitch Shader bsed on this Shader by user Coolok :

    download here:

    This one is nice!

  • > Maybe a nw.js issue then? If you can reproduce it reliably then filing a bug with scirra is your best bet. As an alternate to nwjs they have that webview2 export which seems to have less issues. Maybe that's a solution.

    I made a video to demonstrate it better. If you notice, out of nowhere, the camera goes all Exorcist, as if it's twisting the player's 'neck' upwards or sideways. THIS HAPPENS WITH ANY CONSTRUCT EXAMPLE, and the funniest thing is that it only occurs on one of my computers, not the other.

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    Go in the discord bro. There are people doing 3d there. Its hard to know what's happening if this doesn't happen to anyone else.

  • > Well I’m not familiar with those examples and i don’t have access to a mouse so I can’t test for myself.

    > Does the issue you’re encountering happen in those examples or just in your game?

    > If it’s just happening in yours then somehow you’re not doing it the same. You’ll need to double check to look for any differences.

    > If it happens in the examples too then I guess it’s flawed somehow? No idea where. You only posted a partial of how the camera is rotated from moving the mouse.

    This occurs in all examples of 3D third-person in Construct, whether through events or via JavaScript.

    All the examples work good for me in both of my computers.

  • Ok thank you. I closed the bug report then.

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  • (rate1-rate2)*dt vs rate1 -rate2*dt you can see how even though they both use dt somewhere, only the first one scales uniformly with dt. Perhaps this is the problem?



    Filed bug report just to see if it is a bug or I just fail.

    clamp(self.8direction.maxspeed + 1, 0, 250) <-this is what is frame dependent. I just thought 8direction already applied dt.

  • Don’t use dt and it won’t be.

    Im sorry I said it wrong, the dt actually fixes it. using only clamp(self.8direction.maxspeed + 1, 0, 250) becomes framerate dependent.

  • moving it with this btw

  • Just asking, since I thought 8direction behavior already has dt.

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  • TY very much. Worked nicely.

  • Basically how do I compare a sprite every 22.5 degrees in less events lol