Stargoat's Forum Posts

  • Although it may not be optimal, playing the sound in a channel of its own should work.

    Edit: here's a .cap showing this. Press "space" to play a shooting sound. When you release space, it stops the sound, but those in the background do not stop playing.

    You might want to turn the sound down, because the ones in the background could be quite annoying. Just sayin'.

  • With the animation bar open, select the animation and angle you want, then in the list of angles, right click. There are two main options that you'll use "Add Frame" and "Import Frames".

    Add Frame lets you add (or draw) a single frame. Use this if you have lots of individual images.

    Import Frames allows you to load a whole set at once, in the form of a sprite sheet. Once you select the sprite sheet, you give parameters such as the grid to cut along, and Construct will slice the sheet up for you. It's very handy.

    Note: When importing frames, you'll need to specify transparency on each individual frame unless the sprite sheet is using "magic pink" in all of the areas of transparency (alpha channels will not work). In RGB, Magic Pink is 255R, 0G, 255B.

  • > Sorry to wake up this thread but i have been trying to do the same thing and having the same problem. The top layer is hidden and the bottom is fubar.


    Did you enable 3D Layering in the layer properties?

    Hah. It took a while, but we got there in the end.

  • Keep in mind that there may be situations where an object may look to be stationary, but it's really moving with a small velocity (say, .2 pixels per second). I think with the physics behaviour, (and correct me if I'm wrong) a situation where a previously moving object is completely stopped could be rare.

    Considering this, having a range of speeds that are considered as "stopped" (say, less than 1 pixel per second, greater than 0) may provide better results.

  • I think most of the "movement" related behaviours should have a velocity property.

    Here's an example using the "custom movement" plugin.

    + System: Sprite[CustomMovement].Speed Equal to 0
    -> Text: Set text to "do a thing"
    This is using the "Compare Value" system command - it can be found at the bottom of the list of system actions. There are three parameter fields, specifically, the first value being compared, the comparison function (eg lesser than, greater than or equal to etc.) and the second value being compared. When entering the value in the first field, double clicking on the sprite's icon will give you a list of parameters and values. Clicking the "custom movement" tab at the top will give you properties specific to custom movement, one of which is "get speed".
    You can probably work the rest out from here.
  • Using the custom movement plugin, simply "accelerate" (through the custom movement --> set speed action) towards whatever point you want. It's possible to simulate complex gravity behaviour (eg, multiple points of gravity) with this method.

    Edit: Here's an example where using families, you can achieve this:

    + System: For each spaceyobject
    -> Projectile: Accelerate speed : spaceyobject.Value('Mass')/((distance(spaceyobject.X,spaceyobject.Y, Projectile.X, Projectile.Y))^2) towards spaceyobject 
    Where you can have multiple objects with the family attribute "spaceyobject". The projectile will accelerate towards "spaceyobjects" according to the equation: (mass (arbitrary private variable held by all spaceyobjects))/(distance from projectile to object^2)
    Because this occurs for each spacey object, you can achieve quite realistic (within reason) behaviour. You'll need "mass" values of somewhere around 25,000.
  • So you can't really reliably gauge time based on ticks. If your game is 60fps and you say "Every 60 ticks" then you might think you're going to activate that event once per second... but what if your game drops framerate? If your event is time sensitive then you're boned.

    Can't this be avoided with time deltas?

  • fine, it's gone.


  • That's very weird... Your cap doesn't run on here either, but others do. Perhaps you're doing something differently.

    Edit: This is definitely behaving differently to the way the problem I reported did.

    Edit 2: I may have worked it out. The boxes seem to be clipping out of the layout. I'll upload a cap where it "works".

    Here it is. Sorry for using rapidshare.

    To get it to display properly, I changed the 10% layer scrolling speed to a 50% layer zoom, made the layout its-self bigger, and moved the the contents of it towards the centre of the layout.

  • Post your cap, I'll test it over here.

  • > Have you posted something about it to the bug tracker?


    I did over the summer and it was closed a bit later without a word, and then I saw another report that was the same just this month and you marked it fixed.

    Regardless, I have posted it up again.

    It works for me, mang. Maybe you aren't using the latest version. You should check that.

  • At least 3d box displays now.

  • Are there any plans to fix pitch/roll/yaw?

    Even with the rendering bug fixed, 3d boxes are but a shadow of their potential without this.

    This and the aformentioned physics bug, are the biggest problems plaguing Construct, both effecting operations over many releases. If the physics bug is too hard to fix, it might as well be removed until it works. In the current state, it's useless.

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  • Bah, I thought that one was awesome .

  • My laptop doesn't have enough USB ports to support 360 controllers.