Stackanis's Forum Posts

  • 12 posts
  • Hi all,

    I wan't to create object in a random position but with a condition : they must be created at least at 100 pixels distance from other objects.

    How is the best way to do that ?

    thank you !

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  • Hi all,

    I need to implement an API on one of my construct 2 game.

    But I don't really know how to do this...

    I need to call some fonctions from the API on some events.

    Like on my level complete event, I'd need an action which allow me to execute this js code : "API.levelComplete();"

    I have no idea how to do this

    can you help me ?

    Thanks !!!

  • nobody knows ?

  • I'm getting crazy with those ads :@

  • Hi all,

    I have problem with cocoonjs exporting and admob. Hope you can help me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad"> :

    1) my game is landscape oriented, and ad is always at the right of the screen (botton center) or at the left (top center). And it totally breaks my design (because the ad block "moves" all my game next to him. So : is it possible to put the ad to botton (i mean bottom in landscape orientation...) and is it possible to not break my design ? (i.e. is it possible to have an ad which is "over" my game, not next to it ?)

    I'd like an ad like this : ... le-ads.png and in landscape mod, of course ^^

    2) My ads are always blank (and I put them 1 week ago !). I put the mobid in cocoonjs object ("ca-app-pub-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/XXXXXXXXXX"), is it the good id ?

    I followed the tutorial : ... b-cocoonjs except those steps because I didnt find it :s :

    "1. Go to big grey NETWORKS tab

    2. Click "Add a Network"

    3. Choose "AdMob" network

    --- if you don't see this, then turn off AdBlock etc. ---

    4. Now you will see Networks (1) | Segments (1)

    5. Click on "AdMob" link under Networks (1) and then "Edit Network", then "Edit Section" over "Set Up Your Inventory" - add your AdMob ID in right place (next to your app) and save changes

    6. Go back to "Networks" and click Segments (1), and then on "Global Segment", there put 0.01 USD under "Network CPM" and click "Set" button, so set this CPM"

    but I did something similar (I guess admob changed since the tutorial is online). What's wrong ? <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    3) I don't manage to hide the ad !!! Actually, I show it in the first layout, and I want to hide it in the second, with condition "is showind ad" -> "hide banner ad', but it doesn't work. I don't know how to hide it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">

    4) Bonus question : "Audio -> set silent" doesn't work after cocoonjs compilation on mobile (on android at least :p), how can I fix this ?

    Thank you for yoru answers, hope you will save me <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">


  • Thank you man, you solved my problem!

  • Ok thank you for answer, I will check this ASAP.

    But why only for paper ? I don't know

  • Sorry for the attachment file, it is too big... but every 'set animation to' ends by (from beginning)

    I checked with debug and all conditions are good, but for paper, even with good conditions, it's not good events...

    Not sure if this is a bug or if I did something bad...

  • Hi all,

    I have a problem with my project.

    Please have a look at the screenshot i joined with this topic.

    The problem is, when I touch a "scissor' or 'rock' playing for buttonleft or buttonRight, there is no problems.

    When i touch a 'paper playing' button, it doesn't work well : 'player' never becomes 'paper'.

    I checked everything, I don't find any mistake...

    All my animations are looping.

    thank you !

  • no, it was just an example

  • noone ?

  • Hi all,

    I was wondering, if I wanted my layout to scale with different screen sizes, but NEVER over a defined size.

    For example : I define 1280*960 as MAXIMUM LAYOUT SIZE.

    On a small screen (like phones) : it scales to 640*480

    On a giant screen (more than 1280*960) : it doesn't scale to take a size more than 1280*960

    is it possible ?

    thank you :)

  • 12 posts