ssusnic's Forum Posts

  • If you define an initial value for a global/local variable which has length longer than editor-view size then it is invisible on event sheet!

    For instance if you define a global text variable with 100 or more chars then you will not see this string on event sheet.

  • I'm not sure if I do something wrong but "Reload files from disk" is always disabled!

  • I tested this on my iPhone4. It works great online, but unfortunately in offline mode there is no any sounds because there is no caching audio by iOS (Safari Mobile)!

    Anyway, it seems it is a horror to get playing sounds on iPhone via HTML5!

  • Why there is no an option in Animation Frames Bar to reload frames from the already loaded image?

    Now if I change/redraw sprites on that image and want to update loaded frames then I can only use Import Sprite Strip option and manually delete old frames from the previous import!

    By the way, are you going to add options to display grid and snap/align/distribute objects in Layout Editor? Now it is pretty hard to make user interface and place objects in a right position without these options.

  • Guicole, as you said, I can also import M4A sound file but I can't select it when I create the Action > Play sound (alert message: "None - import some audio files first" although there is imported M4A file). The M4A sound is done by fre:ac, from the OGG and it is mono but it still cannot be selected!

    But when there is imported an OGG sound then that sound can be selected.

    I'm not sure if this is a bug in C2?

  • Here are some suggestions to improve editing events:

    1.) I can't copy&paste an action to an event if that event has no any action defined in it, but this is possible if that event has at least one action already defined. So in that case, instead of copy&paste an existing action I must again create a new (but the same) action using "Add Action" button.

    2) Why I can't add a new global variable at the top of the event sheet during its creation? Now it is always created at the bottom and I must move it up if I want to have all global variables listed on the top of the sheet. Maybe, this could be fixed by adding "Insert Global Variable Above/Below" option in the popup menu when right mouse button is clicked on already defined Global Variable or Event?

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  • OK, thanks for your answer.

  • Yes, I'm using 0 and 1 for now, but Boolean would be better for checking true/false state as mammoth said. Anyway thanks for fixing this in the next version!

    Next time I will post these things in Construct 2 General.

  • I have r68 version.

    There is no Boolean type option for both global and local variables.

    But interesting, you can choose Boolean for an instance variable of an object!

  • When creating new global or local variable there is no an option to create a variable of Boolean type!

    I wonder why because now for checking true/false state I must use variables of Number type?

  • At the top of the event sheet I define global variables of number type, for instance "Minimum = 0" and "Maximum = 10".

    Later, when I use random expression this happens:

      random(Maximum)- everything is OK
      random(Minimum, Maximum)- everything is OK
      random(Maximum, Minimum)- everything is OK although Maximum>Minimum!
      random(1, Maximum) - C2 is displaying this warning (so this happens when parameter1 is any number and parameter2 is a global variable): "Invalid Parameter, Parameter 2 of 'random': must be number"

    By the way, when I click on "Help on expressions" link in Parameter Dialogs then I get this message on

    404 Page Not Found

    Oopsy daisy! The link you clicked appears to not exist in our interbanks.