srm1984's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Well to be more specific, I am designing a title screen for the game. It'll essentially be a digital painting. I am way more comfortable in PS than I am in Illustrator so it'd be great if I could do it in PS.

    Also, does the image in PS have to have the same width and height as it will need to have in Construct 2 when I save it in PS or can I mess with the dimensions in C2 once I import the painting?


  • Hi there - So I'm wanting to create some drawings for a game and I've been told by some people that I should use Illustrator because its vector based and other people have told me that using Photoshop is fine even though it's not vector based. Anyone have any tips for the best way to create your images and getting them into Construct 2 without them looking fuzzy? Thanks!


  • Thank you very much!

  • codah

    Thanks! One question... What allows for the object to toggle back and forth between animation frames like that?

  • Hi all - So I am trying to create a check box. Here's what I have so far. An object that is the check box and an object that is a check mark. I want to click on the box and have a check mark spawn so that it gives off the appearance that you "checked" the box. I know how to make it so that when you click on the box the check mark spawns at the origin point. My problem is unchecking the box and then rechecking it and so on and so forth. How do I make it so I can click on the box, have the check mark appear, click on the box again, have the check mark disappear, and then be able to do that back and forth, back and forth. Thanks!

  • Hey all - Does anyone know if there is a plugin out there that would allow me to insert a keypad into a game. Pretty much like the keypad that pops up on your phone when you are composing a text message, searching google, etc...


  • I'm thinking I'll have rounds. So say you have two teams playing. One team will be given a scene to imrov. After they are done they will be scored via a scoring system I am still working out. After the scoring phase team 2 will be given a scene to improv. After they are done they will be scored. End of round 1. Then the 2nd round starts and we start the cycle over again. So I basically need the game to recognize when one teams turn is over and the other teams turn begins. Does that make sense?

  • I had the same question. Very happy to find this thread. One more question...

    If you don't plan on having your game scroll at all should have the dotted line dimensions match those of the layout or should you not bother with that and just work within the dotted lines and ignore the excess layout space?


  • Hi all - I looked around and found a couple of multi player tutorials but it didn't seem like they address this particular question. Perhaps they do and I just wasn't getting it. Apologies if this is the case.

    So I am trying to make an improv game. Teams will take turns using the same device (phone, tablet, etc...) They will not be playing at the same time. The structure will be somewhat similar to the game app Reverse Charades.

    Anyone know of a good tutorial or a good place to start to learn the concepts necessary to implement this?


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  • Thanks a lot! Mystery solved.

  • Ruskul

    Ah, ok. So just so I know I'm hearing you right. For an image that you want to scale up but do not want tiled, use a sprite object?

  • Ruskul

    Thanks for the quick reply. Yes, I did use the tiled background object.

  • Hi there - Brand new to the forum and the world of Construct 2. I have the free version of Construct 2 so I don't have access to the tileset bundle for the Jungle Platformer tutorial. I found some background images on Google and then followed the instructions to upload them onto the layout. After altering the image properties to have them be the same size as the layout, I ended up with 7 or 8 long duplicate strips of the image stacked one on top of another instead of just one big image of the background. I'm sure I am just missing something incredibly obvious. Any suggestions? Thanks!


  • 13 posts